DR Strings?!?!

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
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Hey guys!

My new RG came with a set of DR 10's....

I know it is a completely different guitar and even gauge than I am used to, but the strings feel and sound sooo much more alive than my D'addarios.....almost as if I'm playing an acoustic.....it's amazing!

So, does anyone else have any experience with DR strings? My SZ is setup with 11's, and I'm thinking about putting DRs on it instead of the D'addarios I've been using for the last 2 years......
I just replaced a set of DR strings that I tried on a whim with D`Addarios.. had the exact opposite conclusion :p

The DR's felt nice for a few days and then lost their sparkle and started to get funky and rusty after about 2 weeks of playing to the point where it was impossible to play. After taking off the 1st E string during the replacement it snapped clean in half right up by the tuning machine.. not a moment too soon to change strings eh?

Put my trusty D`Addario XL 10-46's on and it's night and day. That's why there's so many brands though, different tastes!
It looks like I'm staying with D'addario....not only do many say they are not trustworthy...I bought a set, and the E snapped during tune-up....the A strings was a bit funky too!

Staying the D'addarios :D
I played them and noticed about the same thing. Just not trustworthy. I play GHS and love them. D'addario are nice as well though.
JamesD said:
I played them and noticed about the same thing. Just not trustworthy. I play GHS and love them. D'addario are nice as well though.

GHS strings make me so angry because they sound so ridiculously good for the first few days and then almost instantly start to corrode and lose their magic. If they could make that initial sound stay throughout their lifespan I'd be sold for life on them.

D'Addario's sound equally as good but last longer.
I will have to pick up a set of D'addario's again. It has been a little while since i have played with them. Last time i did they were nice though. It is about time for a re-string anyhow!
I guess you guys have bad luck with DR. I've been using them since I started playing. I tried a set of Daddarios once and found they got very dirty. DR's do get dirty, but a simple wipe cleans up for a few days. The strings breaking all depends on how you set up the guitar and how you string it. I have had the same pair of DR's on my guitar for 6 months!! I give 'em a small wipe every 3 or 4 days and they're good to go.
I thought about trying those DRs but I have always played on the Slinkys or Markeleys with exception to a short term with GHS and a couple newer companies that disappeared. I will say that they seemed interesting.

As far as feeling more alive, I find that when I go to a guitar that is running 9s they feel more alive under my fingers though I tend to play on 10s. I wanted to stay at 11s but 10s are just more me. I love the sound of 12s but I just can't hack it.
My guess is that there truly is very little difference in sound between string manufacturers. As far as feel is concerned...???? After a week they're all just wires that my fingers dance on. I play on the same strings for months on end (an hour a day, 2-3 hours on weekends) and rarely even care about the strings unless they break. If I have an important gig, I might change them 2-3 days prior but that's about it.
I guess what I'm saying is that you guys worry too much about things that shouldn't affect your playing as much as you make it out to.
To quote Ted Nugent "I could plug my guitar in the @$$ of a rotting possum and still get good tone"

And don't get me started on Cables :lol:
Not to sound like an ***, but I'm not sure how you don't notice tone difference in strings if you play them for months without changing them. That is just me
well i definitely notice a sound difference...in fact, regardless of manufacturer, i notice a difference between when i first put 'em on and about 4 days later, when they lose that bright almost tinny sound. after this few-day period, strings all largely sound the same to me. at this point i go for feel.
That's my point, after a few days the brightness is gone and I'm sure as heck not going to change strings every 3 days. I've never thought..."man if only I had new strings..THEN I could get my tone" I've learned to play with the tools I have and one of those is old strings....I make up for it with this Rectoverb thing that's at the end of my instrument cable. 8)

Elpelotero said:
well i definitely notice a sound difference...in fact, regardless of manufacturer, i notice a difference between when i first put 'em on and about 4 days later, when they lose that bright almost tinny sound. after this few-day period, strings all largely sound the same to me. at this point i go for feel.
James, there is a point where the strings will not deteriorate much more. I worry more about string breakage than brightness. I will admit that harmonics are easier to coax with new strings, but again, this only lasts for a few days so I just dig a little harder.
BUT, that being said, I have 4 different sets of strings on 4 different guitars and the only 1 can name is my Les Paul because they're 10's instead of the 9's on my other 3. (D'Adds. E.Ball and DR's)

JamesD said:
Not to sound like an ***, but I'm not sure how you don't notice tone difference in strings if you play them for months without changing them. That is just me
Ok, my apologies, at first i thought you were stating that new strings had no effect on tone. I agree, i don't change my strings every few days to keep the brightness either, but i don't quite let it go months. Every few weeks or less i like to change them up if possible. I agree also, with working with that amp at the end of your gutiar cable :)
No offense taken...we all wish we were rock stars that had techs to do everything for us. :lol:

JamesD said:
Ok, my apologies, at first i thought you were stating that new strings had no effect on tone. I agree, i don't change my strings every few days to keep the brightness either, but i don't quite let it go months. Every few weeks or less i like to change them up if possible. I agree also, with working with that amp at the end of your gutiar cable :)