DR preamp tubes - what brand is good for what in what v?

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2010
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Does anyone know if there is a knowledge base anywhere of which different preamp tubes in different postiions and what results they give to a 3 channel DR

The idea of mixing to acheive a unique tone is great but I can seem to find any definitive list saying what they all do in what spots .
depends what you're willing to spend? If you want NOS sound? Check out Mullard, Amperex, Brimar, RFT, Siemens, Telefunken, JAN Philips, RCA, Sylvania JAN and etc. Those tubes will really wake up your amp. Although they can be a bit pricey, but they will last a lot longer than current production tubes.

For production? Tung Sol, Sovtek LPS, and EI

Stock tubes . I'm pretty happy now tone wise but extremely happy with the loop bypassed . I'd like to make the tone better with the loop as i do need to use it in the real world for delay and a couple of modulation efefcts . It sounds way better bypassed . I've heard some say you can make it better with the right tube .

I'd like to get some more headroom in the clean channel if possible or at least not lose any .

channels 2(vintage) and 3(Modern) I'm generally happy with and use for 2 different high gain sounds. Dont want to change the sound but if a different tube will give a more defined/better version of it I'm always keen to give it a try .

again the biggest thing to me is the difference between the loop being bypassed and being on footswitch
lookin at the euro tubves site. He has a ton fo great info there. what do you guys make of this combo ?

Its marked as his favourite preamp set up

Description: One Gold Pin ECC803S for V1, one Gold Pin ECC83S for V2, one High Gain ECC83S for V3, one standard ECC83S for V4 and a Balanced ECC83S for V5. This Kit is designed to optimize each channel. Headroom and chime in Channel 1, Smooth and round in Channel 2, Completely over the top in channel 3. This Front End Kit can be used with Single, Dual, and Triple Recs. This is the way to go if you're looking to make each channel as distinct as possible.
Honestly, I really like Mesa stock 6L6s and 12ax7s. However, I do use their SP12ax7 in slot V1 and V2 on my Roadster -- they allegedly keep the noise down in those positions.

I am very happy with my tone and can't complain. I spend more time monkeying around with my pedals than with my amp. Mesa's, IMHO, are great as is. I don't see the need to dump more money into them for the incrementally small changes that probably aren't that audible in first place. Do what you like, but don't let seeds of doubt grow in to something that leaves you questioning your Mesa and wanting more -- this will lead to GAS!
BostonRedSox said:
Honestly, I really like Mesa stock 6L6s and 12ax7s. However, I do use their SP12ax7 in slot V1 and V2 on my Roadster -- they allegedly keep the noise down in those positions.

I am very happy with my tone and can't complain. I spend more time monkeying around with my pedals than with my amp. Mesa's, IMHO, are great as is. I don't see the need to dump more money into them for the incrementally small changes that probably aren't that audible in first place. Do what you like, but don't let seeds of doubt grow in to something that leaves you questioning your Mesa and wanting more -- this will lead to GAS!

I know what your saying and Ive been tehre with gear before . Wanna try the different tubes to see if it does make much of a differnce as many say it does . I change em every year anyway for peace of mind

theres no seeds of dout with my amp but if a simple change can improve on what I already love even by 5% I'm keen to check it out
cheameup said:
I know what your saying and Ive been tehre with gear before . Wanna try the different tubes to see if it does make much of a differnce as many say it does . I change em every year anyway for peace of mind

theres no seeds of dout with my amp but if a simple change can improve on what I already love even by 5% I'm keen to check it out

Yeah you do have to be careful because as far as i know there isnt anywhere that will let you drop in any tubes you like to try them out. I think eurotubes have excellent service and JJ tubes are high quality. I purchased the kt77+high gain preamp set from them to replace my stock 6l6 tubes and imho not much has changed. I noticed a some changes in the clean channel but really if theres any change in the high gain sound i couldnt pick it. The amp will always sound like a mesa and i think getting too caught up into tubes is a waste of precious playing time. Day to day my ears play tricks on me - sometimes the amp will sound awesome at band rehearsal then ill set it up in my music room at home the next morning and it sounds off. Trying to source the problem back to tubes is just hard when SO MANY other things are effecting the final sound - all the electric work like caps and resistors are pretty much like the tubes, you could spend all day soldering different ones on there.