Do any of you guys use Loopers in a live setting?

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Oct 1, 2005
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Maui Wowee!
We are in need of another guitar player, but I love the fact that there is absolutely no attitude in our current lineup and just don't feel the need to get into volume battles and such.

I've been thinking about getting a Looper, but only have experience with the Digitech one. I had it for a couple of days and a friend of mine just had to have it, so I traded it for some work on my website.

I'll be on vacation for a week or so, but thought it would be really cool to know what to do about my situation when I got back!

Thanks! & Happy New Year!
....hey my friend, I use a unit called the "Boomerang+" actually they just recently came out with a newer version called the "Boomerang III" in my opinion they are the best on the market. These are excellent for playing out live, very versitle and top-notch quality. Check out their website that I listed for you below. Also if you got time check out the reviews for this unit at Harmony-Central as that will give you some insight on this unit so you can see if it fits your needs.........


....let me know what you think as I tried them all and this is by far the Best.......
Monsta: Happy New Year.

I have the small Boss looper, and it's great for what it is. I have used it live, but only for solo performances - mainly on acoustic. It's a ton of fun to play with. I also use it to practice when I'm by myself. The cool thing about this particular pedal is that it has drum beats built in, so it's particularly suited to the solo and practice thing. I tried it in a band setting and the problem is that the looper is dead on when it comes to keeping time. If your drummer slows down or speeds up even a little bit, it's a train wreck if you're looping a rhythm part. I guess it could be useful if you are doing atmospheric/drone things with it, but I know in my situation it's not a practical solution (also a trio, by the way).

Good luck.
I used to have the Boss RC-20XL. It let you pre record up to 11 loops, which was useful cuz the band played to a metrenome. Otherwise, may be a disaster...
Used the Boss RC-2 live but only ONCE, far too difficult to nail exact phrase timing with double tap and all that...

Sold it and bought a DD-7, now that is a delay pedal, makes a DD-3 look like total junk, which they are.
I have a Boomerang + that I have used loads of times for acoustic shows, very good and the sound quality is great. Was thinking of selling it as Ihave had no need for it lately if anyone's interested ?
Eventide Timefactor has an excellent 12 second looper which is simple to use... Hopefully if you hire another guitarist who knows how to play with dynamics you wont need a looper
:lol: :lol: :lol: It's finding another guitar player that knows how to play with people that is killing me!

I'm actually thinking about selling the Boomerang III and just learning how to record tracks.
I've been using a Line 6 DL4 for 5+ years now. At one point I had two. Now I currently have one DL4 (the one I originally started out with) and a Boss DD-6.

I use both for loops. The DD-6 is great for setting up shorter repeating ostinatos and feeding it into the DL4 while adding chord changes. I mostly use the DD-6 for super short "stutter" loops, and I prefer the DL4 for more time-sensitive loops as it is more user-friendly imo.

I know a lot of people have issues with the DL4s. I only had 2 for 6 months because the 2nd one (bought used) crapped out after that time. As long as you don't abuse the **** out of it, and power it properly, it should be fine. I use mine a LOT. And it hasn't had an issue in the 5+ years I've had it.

My biggest issue looping live was finding a drummer who could stay on tempo.
Where in the signal chain should the looper go? I just made an impulse buy of a boomerang 3 and now will have to work out where to put it?

I guess at the end of the signal chain?
I'm running my Boss RC20XL at the end of my signal chain in my effects loop. I run it into an Eventide Modfactor>Timefactor> EHX Holy Grail>RC20XL and I get great results this way. I first set it up at the beginning of the chain because it fit on the floor better that way but then all of my loops went into the other pedals and sounded awful. Having it at the end keeps everything sounding like it should. I'm hoping to get the Boomerang III in the next week or so and I can't wait! The RC20 is nice but it has a few quirks I can do without.
I've put the Boomergang in the effects loop on a Boogie Lonestar.

The beast takes a while to get the hang of.

At the moment getting best results by using it like I think Sonny Landreth does on his recent CD to set up a one bar rhythm feel. However very early days. Has a nice but still digital sound.
:D Right on, thanks guys!
I tried the Digitech JamMan Delay. It sounded pretty decent and was easy enough to use with the built in rhythm tracks, but just didn't work with the band.
I sent it back to American Musical today. The delay just sounded lifeless!

It was made in the US though! At least we're making something besides babies and beer! :lol:
I have an EHX 2880 which is great. But have used my DD20 live most. Drawback is the short loop time, but you can get short loops, and its easier for a single loop than the EHX...