difference in 100 and 105

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Hi i have a simual c+ with the 100 pt, it dos sack a littel bit at louder volums but it fits the sound and is not like it lacks enything , to me it has really hunderish low end haul that smells abit like a triple rectifire, wich is a good thing because thats the one thing i like about the triple. .

I was always a big fan of the and justice sound metallica had, but now a days i think its a bit to stiff, i can get my amp to sound idendical to that sound but its behavior is a bit different i think.

I love it, it can produce the sound of my wildest guitar dreams, but even better its extremly versitile, and the cleans are also the best cleans i have heard.

I still like to know if the 105 and 100 tranny are infact carved out of the same rock so to speak, one just has more voltage .
Those Slovakian tubes will get you by for a while. If you sweet talk Jim, he might sell you a pair of STR-415's. If you have never seen my post about tubes and the 105 transformer, I will try to dig it up for you. I saw smoke come from #14131 twice within a couple of weeks. It is a puckering experience, to say the least. :shock:
boogieslayer said:
damn ...smoke would suck !

im heading to Guitar Center to pick up a couple GT 6l6's
That 60 watter won't really start to breath until you get Sylvania's in it. Some good pre-amp tubes would help as well. (Tungsram,EI,or USA made RCA,Sylvania, Phillips)
Will make a noticeable difference. Not trying to sell you anything, I'm kinda posessive of my STR-415's. But you need to keep a look-out for a pair you can afford to try.
PS I do have some I could part with......maybe :lol: