diffefent volume level between channel 1, 2, and 3

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Newark, DE
I was checking out my amp today and I set all 3 modes in the 10 watt range. adjusted the volume down to bedroom levels on all three channels. while channels 1, and 3 were similar in there output level, channel 2 was louder then the other two channels at a very similar setting. If I turned down the amp any more, channel 2 sound would be off.

Have any other mark v owners found this to be so on their amp or am I missing something. At home, I have no need for louder settings and wonder if there is something I am missing to balance out the 3 channels so I am not playing too loud as I switch between them.
Yeah...that's weird...

I know there's gonna be some differences depending on gain, treble, bass, etc. being
set differently thoughout, but I've noticed that my Ch1 needs to be up a little more
than Ch2 and 3.

To get them fairly even, using the output for the overall volume, here's how
my masters are set:

ch1 = noon
ch2 = 9:00
ch3 = 9:00
output = 9:00

ch1 = 2:00
ch2 = noon
ch3 = noon
output = 1:00
I have a similar problem, well actually pretty much the exact same problem, Channel One and Three are pretty easy to balance but I have the Master on Channel 3 maxed or close to maxed most times but Channel Two is usually as loud or louder than Channel 1 and 3 when I have the Master at about noon. I would be interested to see if it really is a problem or just a characteristic of the amp.
What modes are you in? If you want the gain structure to be close you have to bal. your modes. I run mine fat/crunch/mkIV or clean/edge/IIc or tweed/mk1 /extreeeeeme!! that helps balance the gain structures for the closest volume matches. Helps on gigs not to have runaway volume attacks..... :mrgreen:
i don't see this as a problem :?

can't you just adjust the channel 2 volume?

is this issue that it changes depending on your volume level? you're always going to run into cleaner tones being harder to hear, at low volumes. no way around it
shogun said:
i don't see this as a problem :?

can't you just adjust the channel 2 volume?

is this issue that it changes depending on your volume level? you're always going to run into cleaner tones being harder to hear, at low volumes. no way around it

No, just when turning everything down at bedroom level. I can get 1 and 3 equal, but channel 2 is louder, just like the mark III amps that you had to get the r2 mod done on to equal out things.
sevycat said:
shogun said:
i don't see this as a problem :?

can't you just adjust the channel 2 volume?

is this issue that it changes depending on your volume level? you're always going to run into cleaner tones being harder to hear, at low volumes. no way around it

No, just when turning everything down at bedroom level. I can get 1 and 3 equal, but channel 2 is louder, just like the mark III amps that you had to get the r2 mod done on to equal out things.

Just tried mine in Tweed / MK1 / MKIV in 10 watt, channel vols around 2:00 with gains around 1:00. Pretty well balanced with no spikes in Ch2. Try changing the V2 preamp tube and see what happens
Get the three channels to balance at a comfortable, but not super low, volume. Then use the Output knob to lower the volume to bedroom level.
The volume balancing act is difficult at very low levels of loudness, and it's not necessarily the amps fault. The human ear hears things differently at low volume levels. The mids become louder, and the bass and treble go away. It's why they used to put a "Loudness" button on old Hi-Fi stereos. Don't laugh, but it was actually a "smiley-face" EQ button, which boosted the highs and lows at low levels.
It's your basic Fletcher-Munson curve at work, don'tcha know. :D
at least the clean channel is louder on the Mark V's unlike on the Rectifiers where you have to max it out on the master while channels 2 and 3 are at 10oclock.
I haven't experienced balancing the volume levels with all 3 channels set to 10W at all. However, I set my channel volumes anywhere from 9-12 (depending on modes) and my master at 10-12. I always rehearse in 10W for all channels and sometimes gig this way as well FWIW. If you run the channel volume "cranked" in any channel, I can see how you may have some difficulty balancing the volumes. I suggest that you set each channel volume and master volume in its middle regions. This will ensure overall volume balances between channels, and some of the best sounds the V has to offer. My experiences are this is the case regardless of which power options you choose in each channel.
sevycat said:
No, just when turning everything down at bedroom level. I can get 1 and 3 equal, but channel 2 is louder, just like the mark III amps that you had to get the r2 mod done on to equal out things.

Most Mesa's I've used have this problem on the channel masters... there's a spot where the volume jumps from off to on within about a 1/2 degree turn. There's nothing to be done about it.

If you need the volume down for bedroom playing, turn the channel volumes up on channels 1 and 3, then use the master output to bring the overall volume down.

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