Did I get jipped on my DC-5? lotso newb q's

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Jul 31, 2013
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Hey guys! Discovered the DC-5 years ago through a friend of mine, I was super impressed with gain and loudness, way louder and better than my half stack "transtube" solid state Peavey.

I got this one used (of course) through guitar center in Buffalo, NY, they shipped this big heavey box to my door (in CT) in just a few days for only $12, and I only paid $500 (plus tax n shipping). The next cheapest one was $600.. sound fishy? I asked them why so cheap- they said its been sitting a long time, they want to move it.

Well maybe this is why it was sitting:
It came in, and I was upset to see that it has a Celestion seventy 80 speaker in it, which ive discovered is a good "economy" speaker. but then i saw that the black shadows can be had just as cheap (though used, or refurbed).

Is this a good speaker? am i missing out? im big into 80s metallica, havent pinned the sound yet on this amp, gain isnt as wild as i had hoped- but i guess GEQ can help out here, maybe ill do the tube screamer thing soon- though i wanted to get away from pedals. I have a useless giant pod xt live unit thats not worth the time.. When dc-5 owners use a tube screamer- is it played in addition to the lead channel? through effects loop? or in series with guitar? should i pick up a black shadow 90w speaker?

I should be plugging speaker into 8 ohm right?

Why is there a boost on the "clean" channel? It seems this channel doesnt have to be clean- Im assuming its for lighter overdrive, and boost just takes it closer to lead channel.

Ive got a 4x12 peavey cabinet with sheffields in it, wondering how this amp would sound through it.

So far I'm very impressed with clean sounds on this amp.

Also- i noticed that the amp has some electronics in a long cloth bag along the floor of the cabinet, is this normal? what is it? a couple wires going to it. I wonder why they didnt build this into top end of amp.. maybe for weight distribution.

This must be one of the newer DC-5s because it has a 3-way rhythm/lead switch- so i can pickup one of those 2 button footswitches and not have to do any mods, right?

Thanks in advance for all responses! dont worry about hitting all the points, i appreciate any input.
Congrats on the Boogie. Welcome!

The price you paid is pretty much dead on. GC didn't rip you off... you never know with those guys. LOL

You'd probably benefit from reading the manual. Boogie manuals are pretty damn informative and available on their website.

Tone is subjective. You may prefer that Celestion over the C90... who knows. The only way to know if you'd rather have a C90 is to try one out! Vintage 30's (made in China) are pretty cheap and might sound killer in your amp. Im not sure about a refurbished speaker, but yeah, a used C90 wouldn't cost too much. As far as Ohms, you must match the speaker's Ohms to your amp's speaker input. Most speakers will have the ohms stamped somewhere on them. (Some don't and make you guess. LOL.) There are ways to check. 8 or 16 ohms are your only options for C90s as far as I know so as long as you plug that bad boy into your 8 ohm input you're golden.

You can get pretty close to 80s Metallica. Close enough at least. Those amps get pretty saturated, but if you wanted to throw a tube screamer in front, which Im not sure I'd recommend as that amp has enough mids already, you want to put it in the FRONT of the amp, not in the fx loop. A less mid heavy pedal you can use as a boost which costs just a little more than a tube screamer with a ton more tonal options and no mid hump is the Barber Gain Changer. Or maybe look for a Lovepedal OD11.

Boost does just that. Gives a volume boost. Check the manual for specs. It will also drive your tubes a little harder, so yeah, at higher volumes the amp will be a bit more saturated.

Long cloth bag at the bottom of the amp? Im guessing that's your reverb tank.

DC cleans are great! Glad you're digging them.
The price reflects exactly what you got.......a great Mesa amp that works correctly but is missing the original speaker (correct me if I'm wrong, but I doubt that C Seventy-80 was ever a stock choice for Mesa factory built amps, hope not anyway) and missing the original foot switch (I assume your DC5 was meant to come with a footswitch). The next higher priced one may have included the footswitch? And may have had a real Black Shadow speaker in it?

If everything works well otherwise, then I'd say you got a pretty good deal. Footswitches can be bought though they aren't selling at basement steal prices, and speakers are the easiest thing to replace. A decent slip cover is handy in case you have to carry it a block in the rain when you leave a gig.
thanks for the response guys, yeah i picked up a Voodoo man 2 button footswitch, i replaced a couple knobs on it, and did the sharpie trick on some of the torn vinyl covering. it shaped up nice and im getting some nice sound out of it, lots of knobs to play with here. im happy, i was considering bringing it back and getting a new peavey 6505 1x12.. but i cant go back to peavey, ughh.

I did read manual even before i got amp, it was very informative thanks.

I popped open the amp and cut the resistor at the master volume knob, now i can play without annoying my wife (and cat)!

Cant wait to experiment with tube and speaker combos. yeah i see speaker is only 4 screws away from popping out and switching- plus solder at connection, but i may ust solder a quick connect (maybe rca or phono type) to switch out easy. probably will experiment with speakers externally, maybe build or buy a 1x12 cabinet.
I use a boss od1 in front with it as a boost, works great, so I have a clean a lead and the a screaming lead

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