Dicovered 2 Day that I Prefer Tube Rect on Clean Channel

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
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Man, Ive gone thru three MK Vs, always slightly dissapointed I couldn't get comfy with the clean channel...always sounded kinda compressed....almost too tight.

I had my head recently up for sale; and after playing through an old friend (LSC 2x12) at a GC...and Boy that was the clean sound I remember liking. So Ordered the beast.

Tonight I got to playing with the Tube Rectification in the channels and experimenting between both diodes/tubes, tweed vs full power, 45/90 watts.

I found the sweet spot for my ears in channel 1 is Tube Rec/45 Watts/Full Power/Tweed/Gain 10'.... Wow! what a sound...clean and ever so slightly dirty with a lot of bounce.

The diodes/90 watts/full power is just too bold and stiff sounding...add in an EVM12L and you have a legal weapon.

Long -- short, I am happy and keeping my MK V :mrgreen:
Oh man, don't forget Tweed in 10 watt mode/bold, it kills.
You know, I never tried using diodes with channel 1, or if I did, it was so early on that I don't remember it. Glad you are keeping the V! Did you cancel the order for the LSC, or are you gonna keep both?
I've been running that way for awhile. My theory was that most vintage Fenders that people fawn over weren't 90w or solid state rectified.

I did try to run Fat for the longest time however. My problem there was that it was too FAT sounding. It made switching to any sort of overdrive/distortion sound REALLY thin and compressed by comparison. I wound up switching to Tweed, upping the gain to around 1:00 to get some grind on it and purposely thinning the bottom end a touch to ease the transition between channels. Really happy that I did.

That eventually evolved into me running each channel like it was a separate head. I gave up on the clean/crunch/lead mindset I initially had with the amp and set up each channel for clean to mean via the guitar's volume knob like I would if I were plugged straight into a single channel amp.

I currently have the channels setup for for Fender/Marshall/Mesa and I've started using a tubescreamer type OD on into the Fender and Marshall channels to open up more possibilities.

Long story short;

Ch 1 - Tweed, 45w, tube, gain around 1:00
Ch 2 - Edge, 45w, diode, gain around 11:00, EQ on FS, preset around 9:00... lets me alternate between full mids rock and a more scooped metal sound when boosting it with an OD.
Ch 3 - Mk IV, 90w, Triode (which brings the headroom down to 60w or so), gain around 2:00
golfnguitarz said:
Oh man, don't forget Tweed in 10 watt mode/bold, it kills.
You know, I never tried using diodes with channel 1, or if I did, it was so early on that I don't remember it. Glad you are keeping the V! Did you cancel the order for the LSC, or are you gonna keep both?

No, I was only looking to go back to the V Combo, as I am not much of a head/cab person....But, I am really digging how the Cab/Head are working for me right now.

I think I am finally gonna let go of the Mark IV, I've managed to get all of the IV tones and beyond out of the V. As for the LSC, I should have never got rid of the one I had...despite how excellent the V cleans are, they're just not as chewy and bouncy as the LSC, especialy with a BB Pre-Amp in front.

So, the V is staying with the LSC incoming, IV and possibly the Shiva (NOT!) outgoing. :mrgreen:
So, the V is staying with the LSC incoming, IV and possibly the Shiva (NOT!) outgoing. :mrgreen:[/quote]

Jazzgear - Slightly off topic I know, but how would you compare the Shiva & MKV?

I've been mostly Mesa (with a few Marshall heads thrown in now and again), but have always wanted to A/B a Bogner with my MKV and Stiletto Deuce. Would it give me anything I don't have access to already?

+1 on the tube rec on CH1 by the way - been my standard set up almost from the begining 8)