Delay: Rack or Pedal?

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2007
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i've been messing around with my xpression unit with my DR 3channel for a couple of weeks now and so far i'm loving the effects on my clean channel, but not so much on my dirty channel. pretty much i'm going for that godsmack, disturbed type sound.

been thinking of just using a delay pedal, TS9, and noise gate for my dirty channel and the xpression for my clean. if money was not an issue and setup at live gigs was done by my roadies and guitar techs (hey, i can dream! lol) then it wouldn't be a problem, but you guys think i should just try using the xpression for both my channels. i just feel it colors the gain so much with all those settings!!!
If you just want delay, ts9, noise gate, and some modulation i would go with a pedal setup.

ISP or Boss noise gate
Boss DD-20 delay
the new eventide modulation pedal
ts9 overdrive

its a bitch to setup midi and carry around a midi controler + a rack.
thanks for the reply.

yeah, i was thinking of getting either the bad monkey or the TS9 in front of the amp with my NS2 noise gate (my favorite pedeal!) and just a BOSS delay in the loop.

but i'm just loving that clean sound with the xpression, something i was never able to achieve with separate pedals (i have a small clone chorus and ibanez delay/echo).

you are right about carrying all that load. i'm in the process of changing to rack and the thought of spending all that money and carrying all that equipment to gigs is really scaring me!

if i can somehow "recreate" that clean sound with pedals and a minimum of tap dancing i would seriously consider selling my xpression and midimate controller!
If you play Godsmack, Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin and other modern hard rock stuff, you won't be doing a lot of tap dancing...I think.

I once tried to go with rack... but went back to pedals. My rack setup was wayyy to bulky.

Im into the same stuff you are.
yeah, those are pretty much the bands i'm into. my last rig composed of:

amp > 5150 amp through 1960A cabinet
effect > NS2 noise gate

one of my recent recordings using that can be found at

currently i have:

amp > dual rectifier 3ch solo head (same cab)
effect > rocktron xpression (in the loop); NS2 noise gate

i'm beginning to lean more on the "back to pedals". with my last band i've pretty much just used pedals but i guess i always wanted to get into a rack unit.
I know what you mean.

When I play modern hard rock stuff, 95% of the time I only use reverb (amps reverb) or delay (boss dd-20). I barely use modulation effects (chorus, flanger, etc...).

I don't think I would need a G-Force to use only reverb and delay.
The DD20 works fine in the loop since you can adjust it's output for +4 so you can get it to perform like a rack delay.

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