I have not used my DC 3 for a while because my HtRd Deluxe (heavily modded) has been my go to lately. A friend in need has been using the DC in a funk band for the past 3 months and loves it. It died on him and he brought it home for a checkup. The power tubes were amuck (2 middle tubes bent out of the sockets)-Sooooo I straightened them out and the amp is working fine.Man this is a working mans amp for sure.I forgot how good this bad boy sounds and,how many tone were available.Now to my question-I was trying to remember how the Trb,Mid,Bass interacted.I thought the Mid added gain after a certain point and all tone controls affected each other.Is that correct? I can't really play with any volume to bring it to life,my wife is not feeling well so I will wait until tomorrow. I would like to instruct my friend on the working of the tone controls so that he can really get the most out of it.I need to find my manual but any ttips would be helpful as he may want to by it.We both only use the clean channel,He uses the Graphic EQ I dont.