DC-10 Volume Problem, Help Please!

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Active member
May 16, 2005
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Hey everyone,
I was just playing my Mesa DC-10 head and there was a shift in the volume while I was playing. It was not a dramatic change, but it was noticable. The volume would lower and then increase back to its original volume setting. If anyone could help me out troubleshooting this problem I would really appreciate it.

Oh yeah, I am using a SRD Power Soak (1st Edition) with it. I tried A/B-ing it with and without the Power Soak but I couldn't turn it up loud enough to see if it was the power soak or not. I also just replaced the tubes in November with the JJ high gain package.

Again, any help would be appreciated.
Remove the power soak and try jiggling the master volume pot. It could be dirty.

If that does not work try replacing the tubes. Just because they are new means nothing. they could be bad from the box. I have had many effects loop tubes go out and kill my volume as well as lead stage tubes go snap, crackle and pop to dead. Same for a bad PI.

If the power tubes were bad, they would probably go red and pop the fuse, but keep an eye on them.
It could very well be the tubes, but there hasn't been a problem until now. Up until today the amp worked fanatstic. It still does mind you, just the volume thing.

Boogiebabies- This could not be the result of a serious issue, say like the output transformer? Sorry if I sound kind of new to this stuff, I just never really got into amp technical stuff.

I hate power soaks, so I am biased that if they go, so does your OT.
It is probably a bad tube or a dirty pot. Start with the obvious as it worked fine before the tube swap. I would start with the preamp.

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