Custom pedalboard for GCP

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2007
Reaction score
Salt lake City
If you are like me, you have had a hard time finding a good case/pedalboard to house your ground control pro. Rather than buying one that was made for normal stompboxes and trying to make it work, i decided to make my own.



As you can see, it's a board that sits inside the box for transportation, and for performance it is pulled out of the box and placed on it's own. I built a good wall around the gcp to keep it sturdy and safe and the board fits nice and snug inside the box. I no longer have to worry about my gcp sliding around or being damaged in the back of the car while it's being transported. The whole thing is fairly light as i used 1/4" plywood and yet is really sturdy. The box is about 5" from top to bottom and 30"long so it's small, light, and sturdy. Anyways, i just had to share my success cause i'm really not a good craftsman, so i was proud of myself :D

P.S. my dog tried to get into the shot so just ignore that...also, i still need to fix the felt liner a bit so forgive my mistakes on that regard.