Hey guys, a while ago I decided to come up with some kind of tune using all three of the MKIV's channels and my Les Paul. I can't remember how I mic'd it up, it was a while ago, but I think I used 2xSM57s in a 3-to-1 mic position on my Recto 4x12.
So, the tune itself is in two halves, in terms of tones used. The first half is R1 for the backing chords/arpeggios, and R2 for the lead sounds. The second half, I switch to R2 for the rhythm sounds and the lead channel for... um, lead sounds.
I also used an Ibanez 5-string bass, direct in. Drums are EZDrummer. The song is mostly improvised, but I spent some time layering up the tracks to make it sound a bit more polished.
http://members.shaw.ca/mrduplicity/crispy_crux.mp3 -- 7.6MB
Hope you enjoy. Feel free to post any questions or comments :mrgreen:
So, the tune itself is in two halves, in terms of tones used. The first half is R1 for the backing chords/arpeggios, and R2 for the lead sounds. The second half, I switch to R2 for the rhythm sounds and the lead channel for... um, lead sounds.
http://members.shaw.ca/mrduplicity/crispy_crux.mp3 -- 7.6MB
Hope you enjoy. Feel free to post any questions or comments :mrgreen: