Crazy Question: loop stations, roadsters and cabs

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Jul 17, 2010
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I have a Roadster combo (2x12) on top of a Mesa 4x12. I run both cabs using the combo as a head. I have an fx loop with a digitech loop station at the end of it. I am wondering if I can dedicate either the 4x12 or 2x12 to the loop station and use the other cab to play through.

Any tips or advice on how to do this are greatly appreciated, thanks : )
If the looper is mono, the live guitar and the recorded loops are coming out the same jack, right? You're SOL.
If you want to have the loops play through only one set of speakers and live guitar out of the other, you need a stereo looper which can assign the loop playback to one side and "through guitar" to the the other, and another power amp for the "loop only" speaker.