"cranking" a LSS...

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Aug 1, 2009
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I keep trying to make it work, being a long time Marshall player, I feel obligated to turn the master volume to 10
But whenever I do a couple of things happen

1. The clean channel distorts like a mother (That is to be expected)
2. I can NOT balance the channels, volume wise...channel 2 is always significantly louder than channel one, even with C1 on 30 watts and 2 on 5

Are these amps just not meant to be cranked?
oilpit said:
I keep trying to make it work, being a long time Marshall player, I feel obligated to turn the master volume to 10
But whenever I do a couple of things happen

1. The clean channel distorts like a mother (That is to be expected)
2. I can NOT balance the channels, volume wise...channel 2 is always significantly louder than channel one, even with C1 on 30 watts and 2 on 5

Are these amps just not meant to be cranked?

Well the LSS has no clean headroom.......I have cranked sitting in with a blues band and I was using a 335......it was thick and creamy however I could not get a clean sound because the band was so loud I had to crank it to be heard and that resulted in a distorted tone.......However I must admit I liked that distorted tone!

If you want cleaner headroom get a LSC
That's why I switched to a classic, because the sound changed so much on a special when cranked. I suppose running it through the PA is the answer and not crankin the special...
plan-x said:
Same thing happens with the LSC. The gain ch is stupid loud.
True, my gain ch volume control is at 9 o'clock and clean ch is at 11.
plan-x said:
Same thing happens with the LSC. The gain ch is stupid loud.

Then again that's why it's called a gain channel! ;)

We are guitar players! Aren't we supposed to be loud? Ha ha! J/k