It is no longer a question. I won the bid on ebay for the cabinet. The only thing that was missing was the amp chassis. It is like new as described. I was almost tempted to just install the amp chassis from my head directly into the combo cabinet. However, I had plans to use one of the EVM12L Black Label speakers instead of the MC90.
I had to open the baffle hole up slightly. I used a air powered drum sander as this is more forgiving than an electric drill with the same drum. Not much material removal is required to convert to a front mount cabinet. The EVM fit great, and was inserted into the baffle and secured temporarily with the #8 screws originally used for the MC90. All that was required was to drill the other 4 hole and then drill out the existing holes for a tight fit for #10 screws. Next was a simple modification to the grill frame (relief for the speaker basket on top and bottom). I should have taken pictures of the conversion process but I did not. It took a total time of about 2 hours since my air compressor has a small tank and could not support continuous sanding operation. Modification to the grill frame required a micro router which cut the time down considerably. Since this is the second front mount conversion I have done to a wide body combo, it was easy since I had the tools to complete the task.
My concern was the clearance for the preamp tube retainers as they stick out considerably. Once I mounted the amp chassis, my concern was eliminated. Appears that the preamp tubes sit much closer to the power tubes and preamp tube change will be easy. The Mark IV on the other hand (reason for the original concern) has the preamp tubes much closer to the baffle and the larger basket of the EV was an issue (when it was rear mounted). I may opt for an EV classic over the Black Label. I will have to think it over. I may even consider the Jensen Jet Black Bird (at least I have the WGS Black Hawk which is a copy to experiment with). I also have a Carvin 100W version of a V30 that I pulled from the V3MC in favor of the WGS Black Hawk. I did try the old Mesa MC90 from the Mark IV in there but the voice coil was shot so that never stayed in there. Now that I have a new one, it may work out. Now that I have a few speakers to try out with the Mark V combo, I can hear what works best with it. I believe the WGS will be the winner in the test so I may opt for the Jensen due to its higher power capacity. If and when I decide to change speakers, I can take pictures of the mods necessary for front mounting.
So far it sounds great, will have to try it with the oversized 1x12 extension cab (also has EV black label) Running two 8 ohm speakers in the 4 ohm jacks does seem to alter the tone some what, seems to boost the mids and cut down on brightness. I am not loosing out here as I have two 412 cabinets that I can use with the Mark V combo if I wish. The Roadster essentially took the Mark V's place on top of the oversized Recto slanted Cab (modified with 4 EVM12L Black Label speakers).
The cabinet did not come with caster plates or casters. I was considering ordering them from Mesa, but have changed my mind.