Concerns with Mark V construction...

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
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thegaindeli said:
Does anyone know if MESA used RoHS (non-leaded) solder in the Mark V?

You'd think. At least on the export version. :shock:
I thought that I saw something on the box that said it was RoHS Compliant.....

thegaindeli said:
I just talked to Chris, and all MESA amps are RoHS compliant. They have been for the last 4 years... Just checking.

Really hope so. I bought the Mark V as my end all be all amp. Don't wanna have to buy another in 6 years.
thegaindeli said:
What's really insane is the fact that it's nearly impossible to get lead poisoning from lead in solder. In a metallic state, it's pretty much harmless. Most lead poisoning occurs from ingestion - not inhalation! You cannot inhale lead unless it's lead powder. This is just more "save the planet" ********!

Kind of like saying "Don't lick the tip of a 9V, it might electrocute you..." :p
Yes, but when you add up all the solder used in a bunch of 1-year-old obsolete electronics that span the world that are discarded...the number can be a bit, science will prevail and I'm sure a substitute will be found soon

Ah and well, not to be a "green" ******* or anything, but they're probably worried about lead leaking into ground water and springs from landfills from all the discarded electronics in the landfill...not a single case of lead poisoning from someone licking a solder joint.
thegaindeli said:
There are some new solder compositions that don't "whisker" though. I would think that that's what MESA is using.

Those solders haven't been real practical yet as they require such a high temperature to melt that they damage boards and components.

My question is; where did the lead originally come from? Where are you putting it when you done with it? Case closed, sorry hippies.
binnerscot said:
thegaindeli said:
There are some new solder compositions that don't "whisker" though. I would think that that's what MESA is using.

Those solders haven't been real practical yet as they require such a high temperature to melt that they damage boards and components.

My question is; where did the lead originally come from? Where are you putting it when you done with it? Case closed, sorry hippies.
you may find this video very interesting
thegaindeli said:
What's really insane is the fact that it's nearly impossible to get lead poisoning from lead in solder. In a metallic state, it's pretty much harmless. Most lead poisoning occurs from ingestion - not inhalation! You cannot inhale lead unless it's lead powder. This is just more "save the planet" ********! I'm going to remove as much of the no-lead solder, and then re-solder with the real thing! I can't do anything about the "flowed" boards though... If the boards are multi-layered - the it's game over! :( This is an old issue with solder. This is why they added lead to solder in the first place. Well, at least Al Gore is happy... :roll:
Well said!
thegaindeli said:
I'm beginning to wonder if this is something that's limited to zero-gravity environment? It seems like it's always an issue NASA... :?
Then it's settled. No Mark V's in space. Easy enough.

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