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This is probably your best shot ;-)
snorkel54 said:
$3K for an upgrade is pretty stiff, what do you think?
Cab is in nice shape.
But a little pricey for having no Reverb.
Also has a non-stock speaker, though some like the Celestion G12-80.
Fwiw it's been said the G12-80 was the speaker the C-90 was designed after.
Is it worth 2600 if I could score one? Iic modded to Iic+, no reverb.
If you are a collector, I think not. If you are a player I think so! Is it a nice headshell?
I have a modded Mark IIC+ head 60w with the graphic EQ in classic black tolex finish.
It's a 110 volts version and the upgrade has been done by Mike B. The amp is in France.
I have photos ( http://imageshack.us/g/1/10195012/ ), let me know if you're interested.
snorkel54 said:
Yes, sure! I'm looking for c+ head only, because I use 4x12.

That price of 2700 seems a bit high but those amps keep going up. I ended up getting a simulclass, reverb, geq, hardwood wicker front 1x12 combo for way less.

Having an EQ model now, I would never go back to one without it.

Maybe prices are appreciating? If so, I can make a few bucks some day if I sell mine. Hard to imagine selling it any time soon.

I was doing some searching for what gear was used on one of my favorite songs, Big Log by Plant. The player used a cranked MKII. Not sure which letter. The one I have does have a glorious clean channel. I know the amp gets the Metallica love, but the clean channel is amazing.

Good luck on the amp quest. It only took me 2 years to find a hardwood loaded combo! It was at a guitar center and the kid had no idea what it was. Tried to tell me how to dial it in, sounded bad. 2 minutes later it was screaming and people were coming over to see what monster that tone was coming from. :lol:
Yeah, the c+ i've seen lately are mostly upgrades, going for waay too much, imo.
I would rather buy from someone on this forum who got a good rep. I almost bought GTS's DRG, had it not been for some bills showing up!
Still looking for one? I'm selling mine, but I live in Belgium. Don't know where you're from.
