Cleaning up the TriAxis

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Active member
Apr 20, 2009
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Anyone have any tips or tricks for cleaning up the Triaxis? Specifically the ribbon cables and such? Also any ideas what a complete overhaul from the factory runs ballpark?
The ribbon cables (2) need to be gently lifted for proper cleaning. I used non plastic corrosive contact cleaner and Q-Tips being careful not to bend or damage the contacts.
I did however continue to have issues with the LED's scrambling until it became maddening. I contacted Mesa in May of 2010 and had shipped my Triaxis for a full overhaul. I was surprised at how inexpensive it was to have this done and the peace of mind it gave me. The technician in Pentaluma went over everything including installing new ribbon cables (the suspected culprit), clean and replace some jacks, a total software update for a version 1, complete top to bottom bench test and a bench burn test. I'm totally satisfied! The cost was under $300. and it included me having a new touch pad membrane installed. All in all, money well spent.
Here's the rub: It took 6 weeks from the time I shipped until I received it from Mesa... and Mesa will charge to return ship.
Thanks! I figured it was going to be more expensive than around $300 for an overhaul. I'll be giving mesa a call today. The six weeks will be long and painful, but worth it. The only glitch i've been having recently is the rhy channels lose their output after about an hour and a half or so. Gmajor will show in level close to 0db or -2db and after 90 min. it's around -22db. Ld1 and Ld2 seem to be fine though. It's an old Triaxis too, SN is T-17XX and running V2.
Be advised Mesa is closed on Fridays... (They have a 4 day work week) Leave a message and they will return your call on Monday. You will need to provide a verbal and written description of all the issues with the unit as well as getting a mandatory RA# (Return authorization) from the service department. (I told them to do a total overhaul... My Triaxis is old...T0096!) Fully insure for the shipping to Mesa and package very well. If they don't contact you by week 6 to get final payment and shipping information, call them at once. My unit is like brand new now. It was money well spent. Good Luck!
Be advised Mesa is closed on Fridays... (They have a 4 day work week) Leave a message and they will return your call on Monday. You will need to provide a verbal and written description of all the issues with the unit as well as getting a mandatory RA# (Return authorization) from the service department. (I told them to do a total overhaul... My Triaxis is old...T0069!) Fully insure for the shipping to Mesa and package very well. If they don't contact you by week 6 to get final payment and shipping information, call them at once. My unit is like brand new now. It was money well spent. Good Luck!

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