Cleaning my recto verb head?

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Jul 19, 2010
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I bought my rectoverb used and want to clean it up a bit, now i assume for the exterior just use a leather wipe of some sort?
But as trying to clean the controls and around the controls what should i use.
Armor-All for the tolex, Windex for everything else. Spray the cloth, not the amp, and you don't need the cloth dripping wet, either. Generally, speaking, electronics and wetness do not mix well. :D
Sure, nice leather/vinyl cleaner/polish for the exterior. I'd just use a polishing cloth for the metal parts/knobs. Try some compressed air for the inside!
I always wipe everything down with Armor All, even the chassis. Just use the edge of the rag and get it in behind the knobs and wipe back and forth.

Unless it's a chrome chassis, then a clean rag works fine.