Channel switching via the DIN socket

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user 19273

Sep 24, 2010
Reaction score
Dunno if this has been asked before, but does anyone know which pin on the footswitch DIN plug switches which function on a Roadster?
Because if you did, you could use a midi signal to switch channels, switch Solo on/off etc via some relays.
Or build your own interface 8)
Which might be a project
I switch my Roadster via MIDI with a Voodoo Labs control switcher but I use the 1/4" external trigger jacks.

Many MIDI switcher manufacturers make a custom cable to utilize the footswitch DIN jack with their switcher.

It's not as easy as that. There is one pair of pins that runs the channel switching. It sends various voltages depending on which channel you want to switch.

I've been through this already

Ch1 .7v
Ch2 1.2v
Ch3 1.6v
Ch4 2.1v