Changing Pre-amp Tubes on LSS

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
In front of my LSS
Hi All,

I was hoping that someone could help me out. I want to change the pre-amp tubes on my LSS, but i'm not sure about the metal coverings.

Should i discharge the capacitor before trying to remove these shields, or is that not needed. Do they just slip off, or do i need to un-screw them out? According to my search (i only found topics for the MK IV, and they said you had to take the amp apart :( )

Thanks in advance for your help.

You do not need to discharge anything. Do unplug the unit. (Note: Always keep one arm out side the box when fiddling around in a high voltage unit. This can save your life!) Watch out for hot EL84's or let the unit cool. Apply light pressure to the metal housings and twist till they release, they are spring loaded. I did this today on my LSC while trouble shooting a problem with a Mesa tech on the phone. Turns out I had a bad Monster Cable. I repaced it via warranty at GC. All is well, no more gremlins.

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