Changing power tubes

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Mar 3, 2006
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I have a DC-3 and I have always taken it to the shop to have the power tubes (12AX7's) changed. Is this something I can safely do myself?
12ax7 are not power tubes, they are preamp tubes. you can safely swap out preamp tubes as much as you like

Power tubes are the ones you need to study up on, 6L6, el34, el84 etc. these need to be biased or matched to the amp's bias.
When you pull out the tube (wiggle it back and forth gently while pulling out) hold it just liek it came out and look at how the pins line up so you can get a better start at lining up the new tube properly. Otherwise you have to spin it around and around and around and around.....until you get pissed off or eventually find the tube alignment! Then just wiggle and push down and viola! All done!
For power tubes, the pairs are inside and outside right?