I just bought this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/180730241230?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
I thought it would tame the highs in my DC-3. It worked really well for this, but I like the tone of the standard MC-90 more. So....I will mod the circuit instead.
This speaker sounds warm and fat. It is in great condition.
I paid $80 + shipping.
If anyone wants it, I would like to get the same.
$95 shipped to your US door!
I thought it would tame the highs in my DC-3. It worked really well for this, but I like the tone of the standard MC-90 more. So....I will mod the circuit instead.
This speaker sounds warm and fat. It is in great condition.
I paid $80 + shipping.
If anyone wants it, I would like to get the same.
$95 shipped to your US door!