Can using Variac Power damage your Mark V?

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2009
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Looking to clear up something...can using Variac power damage your Mark V on any of the tube or mode settings?
Doesn't the Mark V actually have a "Variac Power" setting on the On/Off switch?
See page 39 of the manual.
Just sayin'...
Yes there is a switch for it on the front but it cuts the amount of electricity to the amp like choking it so that it doesn't receive full power. Now if your running on diode tube selection (full power) and 90w where the amp needs all the electricity, is there any reason this may damage it?

Thought I read in the manual to only use Variac power on 10w and 45w modes but not 90w. Have to go back and look.
ESP123 said:
Thought I read in the manual to only use Variac power on 10w and 45w modes but not 90w. Have to go back and look.

It doesn't say that at all, they recommend full power for gigging situations for headroom, but nowhere does it say it can't be used with any of the power settings.
The amp doesn't "need" all the electricity. It's not being "starved".
Variac Power will actually let the tubes live longer.
The V is dummyproof.

For instance, in 10 watt setting it is automatically wired in Triode.

The V can be run in any setting/power/mode using Variac.
Thanks for the help, I've been playing with all the settings and all the power options all day with a friend who also has a Mark V. I've really enjoyed hearing how creamy the tone gets when using triod and variac but soon as I switch to full power and use the same eq and tube settings the tone sounds awesome too. I just can't make this amp sound bad.