Can I work safely inside a Mesa amp ?

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2006
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I need to change a volume pot in my Tremoverb. Can anybody confirm that a Tremoverb has bleed off resistors so that the filter caps are discharged when the amp is turned off ? On my old fenders I have to discharge the caps before working on them or risk being fried. What about Mesa's ?
Yes, it does. BUT you must leave the standby in the 'play' position - the bleeders are on the first bank of filters and if you turn the standby off the preamp/screen filters can retain a charge.
Thanks for the reply. Does the method of checking the voltage on pin 1 on the first preamp tube work on Mesa's to verify that there is no more voltage in the caps ? (its the old Fender method)
I think the old Mesa Mark 1 manual says that you can bleed the caps by unpluging the amp, turn power on plug in guitar and play for a few a few minutes with stand by off. Call Mesa to check.

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