C90 dead

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Andre Oliveros

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2011
Reaction score
hi i was gigging last night suddendly no sound from my amp, y turned of changed power tubes, pre amp tubes and yet nothing, but i noticed that everything just worked, just no sound from the speaker, so then i took the amp to test to a cab and it worked, putted back to the C90 and worked, so today i tested the amp again, it worked and the again just cut off the sound, so putted back to a cab and worked, so my conclusion yes it is the speaker, so verified the cable from the speaker, put other cable and yet no sound, my concern is: if the speaker its bad its normal to work and then just cut off? and if so does the warranty cover me that? i live in guatemala so im wondering, because ordering a new one its going to be expensive you know for the weight and shipping...


update, so i put a cab and the speaker at the same time, the speaker seems to work and then cut the sound, and then work again and so, while the cab keeps sounding, what can be wrong with the speaker?
Hola Andre,

Usually a damaged speaker tends to distort or dramatically change frequency response (for example loose bass severely), or simply stop working completely. An on/off situation like you describe may be due to a poor connection between the speaker terminals and the amp output, I would check this out before considering the speaker the cause - you mentioned that you replaced the cable from the speaker to the amp output with no positive results, correct? The speaker terminals also have a strong twisted conductor going from the terminals to inside the speaker's structure, check out its integrity too.

thanks im gonna check that speaker right away, i could not find info about troubleshooting a speaker but with this youre telling, its enough for me to take of that speaker and explore. :)
Iv'e had a Celestion Speaker fail like that. It turned out to be the "pigtail" (braided wire) connection between the input terminals and the voice coil. The "pigtails" have to cope with all the cone movement and do tend to live a harsh life.
Andre Oliveros said:
is there anyway i can fix that? or hell should i just buy a new speaker?

Can't ya just re-solder 'em on? I admit I need to go look at the connection though.
i resolder that, and, same problem im confused because nothing seems weird... everything looks normal, is just suddenly i cut the sound off, changed tubes, power and pre just in case, but what keeps confusing me is when i plug a cab the only speaker not working and cutting off is that one, the one in the additional cab keeps working.
Andre Oliveros said:
i resolder that, and, same problem im confused because nothing seems weird... everything looks normal, is just suddenly i cut the sound off, changed tubes, power and pre just in case, but what keeps confusing me is when i plug a cab the only speaker not working and cutting off is that one, the one in the additional cab keeps working.

Oh dang...

Could it be the output jack, have you swapped that around?
yes, i checked all, also tried another cab today and same thing the speaker cut off while the other one (new cab) keeps sounding, so my conclusion is yep the speaker has something wrong and yes ill have to buy another one, and yep ill swap it for a V 30.
Cool, mystery solved. You could try and fix it up, but I think your better off with a new speaker.
Speakers can be fixed. Take it somewhere and get an estimate and see if it's worth fixing rather than shelling out for a new one.
well, so i ordered the V30 ill keep you guys with update, im kinda curious hows gonna sound now, i also bought some new pre amp tubes so the amp now its semi new jajaja, the cab wich i tried was an Orange with V30 and i liked alot, so when it arrives we´ll see, now on the other hand so you guys really believe thats there any way to fix the speaker... i mean it works, and then not, and so on, how can someone know where it has the problem that speaker? its anywhere any photos how the speaker is from the inside?


By the time you pay to ship your speaker, get it repaired, and shipped back your probably better off to just buy another speaker. Might be worth it if you have someone local that can fix it.
yeah i know, the new speaker will arrive maybe this thursday, so yeah its on its way, but i was just curious, i mean its a kinda new speaker, it has less than 50 hours of playing, i wish MESA take care of every global costumer... but i will search someone locally to maybe check it up, i have nothing to loose anyway at this point.


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