Bye bye Vintage Amps....

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL

And hello Rack Pieces!


Hi all,

I've really wanted a TA ever since Guitar Player did a shootout with it and the Marshall pre-amp many many moons ago. I started with a two-channel Dual Rec. around six or seven years ago. I wanted a little more versatility than the one great trick the DR does, so I traded it for a MK IV. The MK lead presses all the right buttons, but I like a "looser" clean than the IV's, plus I just could never get a great sound out of channel two.

So here I am. I've had the TA about a week now, and I'm having a BLAST! It came with a Carvin TS100 (yeah, it's that one that was for sale on here a few weeks ago. ) that I've put SED 6L6 "C" into. Made that amp a LOT better. I've got Philips NOS 12ax7 in the TA right now, but I've been searching through the posts and I wanna try some of the other combinations I've read about.

I've got my Boss GT-8 set up in 5CM mode (but I think I want to try an Intellifex/Xpression or G-Major for a simpler cable setup) and I'm using two Thieles.

Man, I haven't had this much fun tweaking an amp in years. I was able to setup rhy. green in about 15min with a better clean than I've had in a decade. The nasty channels are a breeze to configure, and I'm really digging the "tween" sounds that I've got so far.

I'm really looking foward to down the road when I've had more time to explore this wonderfull thing!
I heard a lot of people don't like the carvin power amps when compared to the Boogie stuff. I am planning to check out some VHT amps if I ever get back into playing with a band or if I get good (Yeah right!).

I am glad you are having so much fun tweaking. Myself, I am trying to look for a TA to go with the Mesa 20/20 I just purchased.

Happy tweaking!
disassembled said:
I heard a lot of people don't like the carvin power amps when compared to the Boogie stuff.

I certainly thought that when I first got it. The Groove Tube's EL34's frankly sucked. Plus, I've just never liked EL34s in Mk series amps.

Changing to the SED 6L6s transformed that poweramp. I've only got a week into the TA, and I'm pretty sure I've got a MK lead sound at least equal to the best I ever got out of my MK IV.
Congrats.The triaxis is certainly cool. I still have mine. I'm surprised that you describe its clean channels as "looser" The triaxis is quite a bit more compressed than the mark 4. IN what way do you feel the triaxzis's cleans are looser ? Take care.

To me, it seems like Rhythm yellow is more like the MK IV clean channel. Tight and funky with lots of headroom.

Rhythm green is more "Fender-like" to me. Loose, fat, and round. Dime the gain and use your guitar's volume control to clean it up. I never could get that out of my Mk IV, but it's pretty easy with Rhythm green.

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