Buzz Feiten

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If you have a newer model JP this "similar" setup is already on your guitar. EB/MM is exclusively using a shelved/compensated nut on all of their instruments. By changing to a BF nut, you'll only throw away a couple hundred dollars to have another compensated nut put on your guitar. Stick with what you have.
I have one of the older JPMMs and the compensated nut from EB is not an option. It won't fit on the older necks.
It's more than just a nut. The Buzz Feiten tuning system consists of a different tuning and intonation system as well. It's basically keeping the guitar in tune with itself all over the neck, kind of like the way a piano is tuned.
ivsaken said:
I have one of the older JPMMs and the compensated nut from EB is not an option. It won't fit on the older necks.

Ahhh...You have the 1st year run, as do I. Well the BF nut will require a bigger gap in the nut slot so there no going back. The other commenter is right about the intonation is different, but the altering of the nut slot is where the work is done. Personally, I do hear a difference between BF and standard intonation, yet my JP/MM is intonated to a strobe so it is not that critical that I would choose to alter it with a BF setup. Ultimately it's your choice.
The Buzz system is a non-invasive Retrofit does not change your guitar in any way. My nut is toast on my JP so I need it changed anyway. I am just trying to find people that may have done the mod and they think about it. Its going to be cheaper then shipping my guitar out to EB and having the work done there anyway.
i have 4 tom Anderson guitars that come factory with the BF system and have had 3 Les Pauls and a Brian Moore converted to the system.

I wont play without it.
What exactly is the Buzz Feiten system? I have heard mention of it more than once before.

Ciao ...
From the Buzz Feiten site:

The Buzz Feiten Tuning System solves tuning and intonation problems with 2 simple steps:

1. Shelf Nut
Our exclusive Buzz Feiten Tuning System¨ (BFTS) Shelf Nut moves the strings closer to the first fret according to our Patented Formula. This eliminates sharp notes at the first three frets.

Buzz Feiten Tuning System Shelf Nut

Top View : Each Shelf Nut is precision machined from high quality bone for superb tonal response. Our Lightning Bolt Logo is machined into the top of each Shelf Nut for authenticity.

Side View : The strings are moved closer to the first fret a precise distance based on the scale length, fret width and string gauge of your guitar. The slight overhang of our nut (the 'Shelf') does this without altering your guitar in any way. So it's even fine for vintage guitars.

2. Intonation
Your guitar's bridge is adjusted according to our Patented Pitch Offsets, creating balanced intonation over the entire fingerboard - every fret - every string.

Your Bridge Is Adjusted to BFTS Pitch Offsets

In order to maintain the tuning you have to get a tuner with the Buzz offsets in it unless you want to tune by ear. Check out the website.
I think I'll be getting myself a Peterson Strobostomp or Stroborack tuner if nothing else as thanks to the efforts of this John Norris guy. The service he gives these people is amazing! Check this out:
Thanks for that info. I guess I shouldn't have been so lazy and checked the web site out for myself.

Ciao ...
It's okay, the wife's out of town and the kid was asleep so I really had nothing better to do. Got some good info of my own in the process.
Buzz Feiten is not a gimick. It DOES work.

I have 5 or 6 guitars that are collectable and/or vintage pieces and are therefore exempt from mods. They do not sound as 'in tune' as my BF guitars. I honestly dont think I can go to non BF guitars anymore.
Pictures are pointless.....a BF guitar looks like a guitar with a nut. There is no difference in the guitars appearance.



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