Buying new Half Stack: Need suggestions

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New member
Mar 7, 2006
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Rutland, VT
Hi, I'm looking to buy a new half stack this upcoming weekend. I play mostly Classic Rock, 80's Thrash metal, 70's, 80's and some 90's heavy metal. Mostly 80's - TBA Metallica, Slayer, Pantera, Megadeth, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne. However I also play some less heavy stuff like Zeppelin, Hendrix, Eagles, Pink Floyd, and Clapton. So I am pretty much looking for half stack that is suitable for Classic rock, heavy metal, and 80's thrash. Right now I'm look at three amps: Mesa Boogie Mark IV, Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce, and Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier. I am also looking to get a Marshall 1960a cab, as the Mesa cabs are expensive and that I've heard they have too much low end and are too thick and therefore sound too muddy. I might also consider a Peavey 6505/5150 cab. So what I want to know is that, Which one of these three amps will suit my taste the best? I heard the Dual Rectifier has A LOT of gain. I really don't think I might need all the gain, as I'm not into Death metal and such. I am also open to some other suggestions.

Thanks in advanced for the help.
i would suggest the mark iv as well

the stiletto will possibly not cover the 90s stuff and the metallica tone, but it can do classic rock and 80s in spades

and the dual rec. might be too intense for zeppelin style things.

the mark iv is def. my suggestion, i wish i had one to compliment my dual rec and my stiletto!

then id have the bases covered in high gain tone heaven!

then a lonestar for the cleans;)