Bud Light FTW

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I once had a gig where "the band drinks free unlimited beers." My drummer and I were psyched for it! When we got there they gave us draft Pabst. It was utterly atrocious and was one of the few times I've ever rejected/thrown away beer.
There is a bar near me that ran a special 50 cents for a 12oz pabst draft special. I didnt care how nasty it was but a $10 tab and nasty hangover from those specials was amusing :lol:

Elpelotero said:
I once had a gig where "the band drinks free unlimited beers." My drummer and I were psyched for it! When we got there they gave us draft Pabst. It was utterly atrocious and was one of the few times I've ever rejected/thrown away beer.
Sixstringpsycho said:
There is a bar near me that ran a special 50 cents for a 12oz pabst draft special. I didnt care how nasty it was but a $10 tab and nasty hangover from those specials was amusing :lol:

Elpelotero said:
I once had a gig where "the band drinks free unlimited beers." My drummer and I were psyched for it! When we got there they gave us draft Pabst. It was utterly atrocious and was one of the few times I've ever rejected/thrown away beer.

I thought that the Red, White, & Blue draft had been outlawed many years ago. Something about "not safe for human consumption", much like Evan Williams. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I love all beer, I have favorite.. Pale Ales, American Ales, American PAle Ales, Porters, Heferweisen, Lagers, Light beers, IPA, Dortmunders. in fact the only thing i hate are the fad lo carb/cal health beers like Mich Ultra and MGD 64 (which isnt bad). :twisted:
Mich Ultra Amber is actually not bad.

I can drink just about any beer if it is really cold. Enjoying a beer is entirely different...
lesterpaul said:
congrats...I am a Miller Lite man....no hangovers/easy to gauge
...bottoms up!!!!

My poison is Michelob Amber Bock Draft..... impossible to gauge/be careful/potential cobwebs the day after.

My hero is Burgess Merideth in "Grumpier Old Men" when he starts bitchin' about light beer, filtered cigarettes, and bacon. That is hardcore. When I used to smoke (10 + years ago), and had to bum a light cigarette off a friend, I would cut at least half the filter off :lol: .
stephen sawall wrote:
I find all them beers un~drinkable.
I would take PBR over Bud/Miller LITE any day.
Widmer Hefeweizen is what I drink.

I agree! PBR didn't get that blue ribbon for nothing! If I wanted to drink water, I'd go to the kitchen sink. :lol:

Gotta love German beer too!
JOEY B. said:
lesterpaul said:
When I used to smoke (10 + years ago), and had to bum a light cigarette off a friend, I would cut at least half the filter off :lol: .

THAT is hardcore. I've been there... done that as well. No longer smoke so i'm not sure how I used to be able to do that... Can't even stand the smell now.

Belgian beer is awesome! I was in the Netherlands almost two years ago and had some 'Palm' beer. It was the best beer i've ever had. Too bad you can't find it in the states...
I am digging Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald, out of cleveland OH now a days. Its killer and back when i used to smoke, a cig would go amazing with this beer. I like some of you had to quit a few years back when my baby was born. :lol:
....gave us draft Pabst. It was utterly atrocious

Well it can be really, really bad....depending where it's from...

However, I lived in Milwaukee (WI) for a few years (back in the 70's) and Pabst back there (where it's main home brewery is) was actually quite good. It was fresh and made with those good 'ol "midwestern great plains" grains and water. The stuff they call Pabst here on the west coast is used mainly for paint thinner and actually tastes worse than paint thinner (so I hear)....

So now it's Bud light.....
Best I've found west o' the rockies (w/ exception of imported beer like Pacifico....yum :p )
carlsoti said:
lesterpaul said:
...i swear, pbr's taste better at room temp! :eek:
Are YOU my Grandpa?
..hehe....yknow, it was the morning after a bender, and they were on the countertop....I needed something to take off the edge, and it was much better than the night before...they never made it to the fridge as i swerved into the bed...
and Joey B. said he cut half the filter off his smokes...half my ***....I think I saw him pluck 'em whole back in the day of Ol' Ed's Grocery Emporium("nerves..nerves..!"-TCrutchfield)
lesterpaul said:
....and Joey B. said he cut half the filter off his smokes...half my ***....I think I saw him pluck 'em whole back in the day of Ol' Ed's Grocery Emporium("nerves..nerves..!"-TCrutchfield)

I have mellowed with age, somewhat :wink: :lol:
Straight up Budweiser fellas, followed closely by Molson Ex. You're not a man until you've pounded a box of Molson Ex. Good ol Canadian Brew. Fuckin eh!

lesterpaul said:
carlsoti said:
lesterpaul said:
...i swear, pbr's taste better at room temp! :eek:
Are YOU my Grandpa?
..hehe....yknow, it was the morning after a bender, and they were on the countertop....I needed something to take off the edge, and it was much better than the night before...they never made it to the fridge as i swerved into the bed...
and Joey B. said he cut half the filter off his smokes...half my ***....I think I saw him pluck 'em whole back in the day of Ol' Ed's Grocery Emporium("nerves..nerves..!"-TCrutchfield)
Wow, that's pretty messed up. I posted that on Monday, feb 16th, which happened to be my birthday. I went "back to work" (something my g'pa WAS fond of saying, or at least, he said it a lot when I was young) on Tuesday, the 17th. That night, I got the news he'd been in a car accident. It wasn't all THAT bad, though the blood thinners he was on caused some bad complications. He passed away on the 18th. Being that I just went back to work, I can't afford to fly back to Illinois to attend services, though i was able to spot my dad just enough to be able to get back there. I'm bummin' pretty hard...

I know, It seems I going WAY off topic, but I'll get back to it, I promise.

So Gramps was an old school, former USAF guy. Very hard-edged, and pulled no punches. He had numerous surgeries related to cardio vascular health. (hence, the blood-thinners) Over the years, they pulled so many veins and arteries from his legs to put into his chest that they had to amputate one of his legs below the knee. I'm sure it didn't help that he drank and smoked constantly, regardless of what the doctors ever told him.

Amputees frequently have what they call "phantom pains" after surgery. Basically, the parts of the brain that used to be connected to the amputated area kinda go haywire because there's no where for the signals to go to/from. Each patient's body chemistry is different, so there's usually a cycle of different painkillers, often mixed and matched for the best effect, with the least side effects.

So grampa Harold went from one thing to another, based on the nurses reccomendations. Every couple days, he'd call in and tell them what was working and what wasn't. Following is a "synopsis" of one of the calls, based upon my recollection of what my uncle and grandma told me. (He called on speaker phone, 'cuz holding a phone to his head hurt his giant ears.)

Grampa: Hey there Ann.
Ann the Nurse: Hello, Mr. Carlson. How are you feeling today.
G: Kinda crappy. I wanted to go for a walk this morning, but I couldn't find my other shoe.(This was the kind of sarcastic humor my g'pa will be remembered for.)
A: Uhhhm... Ok. You know the doctor said you're supposed to stay off of that temporary prosthetic unless absolutely necessary.
G: You mean, like if my beer is empty?
A: (silence, then) Harold, are you messing with me again?
G: Look who just woke up!?!?
A: Humph... So, how are the meds working for you?
G: Well, actually, that's where the good news is. I think we might've found the perfect combination.
A: OH, that's great. What is it you're taking?
G: Well, I've got the Viccodin the doc gave me. That seems to be a good start, but it makes me feel itchy all over. So I'm taking another thing to help with that.
A: Ok. What is the other thing you're taking?
G: Well, i'm not really sure what it was. The doctor said he didn't really want me taking both at the same time, but it works SO well. Let me go grab one to see what it is.... Ok, I'm back. I can't really read it. Can I spell it for you?
A: Sure, Mr. Carlson. That'd be fine.
G: Ok. Are you ready?
A: Yes sir. Go ahead.
G: Ok, it's spelled "P" "A" "B" "S" "T".
A: Ok, just a minute, let me look that up.
(A minute ot two passes. Uncle Dave and G'ma hear Ann in the background asking another nurse for help. She explains the whole thing to the other nurse, Nancy.)
Nancy: "P" "A" "B" "S" "T"?.... DAMMIT, That's PABST! He's drinking on his meds!

(Close scene)

Anyways, next time anyone's in the mood for a room-temp PBR. Think of my G'pa and that goofy story. And then laugh, cuz it feels better than choking back tears.