Broken(ish) Power Tube

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Renfrew, ON. CANADA
So, my wife decides it's time to paint the dining room(amp room). I have my Roadster Combo propped up using an Amp Standback(awesome by the way). She figures it's not stable enough to cover with a blanket, so she rocks it forward and lets 'er fly backwards, displacing two of my power tubes :x . I check out the tubes and one is fine but the little key in the centre is completely broken off. There is a little glass nub that now sticks out of the bottom but is not broken. My question is while it did function properly, is it safe to use if I make sure to get the pins in the right slot or should I throw her to the curb? (the tube that is :wink: )
I've used tubes like that before with no ill effects. I say go for it till it blows. Just make sure the labels face the same way
Just make sure that the tube is inserted with the pins going where they should...I've repaired that center post in several instances with super glue, works just fine. Peace.
The real answer here is to fix your wife so she doesn't touch your amps again. ;)