Bright blue flash?! Please help

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Feb 4, 2008
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I was playing my Roadster earlier today (2008) with no fx or loop. After about 2 or 3 minutes of playing I cranked it up really loud on channel 4. A few seconds in I saw a bright blue flash from behind me (i mistook it as a burnt out light). My brother who was drumming, was facing the amp and had me stop because he thinks he saw the light come from behind my amp.

My roadster still turns on and plays fine (and was still working after the flash). I don't remember hearing any weird noises, but i have the master above 12 o clock, so it was damn loud. I have 8ohms out to 8ohms in on my 4x12 stiletto cab. The tubes are glowing on average, all the same.

Any idea what this could be? It seems to be working fine, but I'm still worried.

Thanks for your help guys
The blue flash could indicate that you just traveled through time. This is the microscopic fine print in the mesa manual that comes with your roadster. Having the output 12 o'clock range and above may inhibit time flux capacitance. Ask your drummer what year it is... Other than that, that's pretty trippy that happened and your amp is fine. Do you have a power conditioner/protector?
Man how did i never consider that!

No i don't. If it's worth anything though, my "jam room" is wired on 4 different circuits. Also my house was built recently. I realize this won't protect me from a surge, but I think it would help. If there was a surge what would it fry? Also i read online that the bright blue flash is most likely from a tube. I have never replaced my tubes, could this be it?
Lol, well that blue flash is some sort of arch the tubes let out and usually ends up with a faulty tube/component. Like i said, in your case, its trippy your amp functions normally after that. Just make sure the power/rectifier tubes look normal and the pre tubes. As for the conditioner/surge, I had my old Peavey JSX burned the circuit board due to a surge. Rare, but it happens.
Dull answer: it probably was a power tube arcing. They can sometimes do this and not die permanently or blow the fuse, but it isn't good and it will probably do it again, maybe more often and eventually fry itself. It's less likely to have been a rectifier tube because an arc in those does almost always blow the fuse straight away, but it's still possible if you were running the tube rectifier at the time (but not if you weren't).
+200 on Trems post. I had that happen and it was a power tube. Only in my case it did'nt stop. It looked like a Tesla coil...lightning in a tube...tap them when the amp is on , out of'll find it.... :lol: