Boost Vs. No Boost (Video)

The Boogie Board

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That is cool. The difference is subtle, but definitely there. The OD brings out a little more high end (which is what I find it does to mine as well), making the overall tone a little more "metallic" sounding, if that word can be used to describe it. Thanks for sharing. GREAT tone as always man. That is some awesome Recto tone for sure.

I really dug that tune! I think the OD808 adds a little bit of crispiness to the tone when engaged, subtle but noticeable like MesaENGR412 stated.

It's still really tight unboosted as well. Awesome work on the vids bro, I gotta get off my lazy behind and track some stuff for uploading myself :lol:
Cheers :D
The Recto just lacks that high end bite until you boost it. When the boost is engaged, it goes from :Nu-Metal: straight into ::BRUUTAL:: territory!