Axe FX 2 Vs TC G system with the Mark V

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
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Hi all,

I've been a TC G system user for quite some time now and am really pleased with how it performs. I was curious to see what people thought of the Axe FX 2 as I've seen various artists use it including John petrucci.

Anyone changed from using the g sys to the axe fx and really glad they did or do you regret it? Or what are your thoughts in general using it with the Mark V?


I havent ever used a G System- but a local Mark enthusiast(multiple Mark IVs and Mark V) was using a G system when I met him over a year ago. I recently ran into him last month, and we got on the topic of outboard gear- he currently uses the Fractal and NO other boxes at all. Controls everything with a liquid foot pro and said he hasnt been happier with effects (he has a plethora of nice amps- Mesa, Diezel, Splawn- and also is fortunate with disposable income- $$$ isnt an issue...).
Hope this helps-
I own both Mark V and AxeFx 2,and randomly use them together with the 4CM method*-->works very fine

If you use extensively you need to find a good shifting option as MFC 101(FAS) and the MarkV footswitch are both huge and difficult to combine


*-->effects only
--->Sometimes with MarkV beeing the power amp
thunder100 said:
I own both Mark V and AxeFx 2,and randomly use them together with the 4CM method*-->works very fine

If you use extensively you need to find a good shifting option as MFC 101(FAS) and the MarkV footswitch are both huge and difficult to combine


*-->effects only
--->Sometimes with MarkV beeing the power amp

Thanks for the response guys, that helps a lot. I have an RJM Mini Amp gizmo so that will do my channel changing on the mark v no probs
The one thing I like about the G System is the ability to run multiple preamps into my main amp. So if you going to the AxeFx, I would consider getting an Audio switcher as well....that way you can use the preamp sims from the Axe with your Mark V on the fly....simply program it into a patch
Guys, I don't want to hi-jack the thread, but if you wouldn't mind indulging me a bit, I have a question. Does the AxeFx or the G system have the ability to run some modulations before the preamp (thinking phaser here) and some in the loop (like chorus). I realize you can use the 4cm with the G system, but it was my understanding that this was how you could plug in your own dirt boxes. I have the Modfactor, and it is a great piece of equipment, but you have to either run it in the loop (chorus sounds great here, phaser with distortion, no) or in front of the amp (phaser yes! chorus, tremelo not so much, etc.).
With the Axe- you can route any effect instance, anywhere, however you can imagine. It is easily the most flex- "ABLE" processor on the planet. i turned my board for an Ultra- i had a time factor, pitchfactor and a modfactor (as well as others...). The AXE is honestly as powerful as 3 modfactors, 2 timefactors and 2 pitchfactors (you can run 2 phasers, 2 chorus, 2 flangers, 2 delays, 2 pitch blocks- SIMULTANEOUSLY until you exhaust CPU resource). Anywhere in the chain. Parallel or series. If you can dream it- you can build it. Plus there are other effects as well......

You use the same 4CM like G factor and can put the effects anywhere.Only point is that you need to allign all the levels and that you should avoid stong hiss(which is not in the AXE FX2 with use of the humbuster cables) on the instruments input(had to move from an Fulltone OCD V2 to V4 as sometimes I just pust Ch 1 from outside)

Hope this helps


G vs Axe-->100 miles Axe
golfnguitarz said:
Guys, I don't want to hi-jack the thread, but if you wouldn't mind indulging me a bit, I have a question. Does the AxeFx or the G system have the ability to run some modulations before the preamp (thinking phaser here) and some in the loop (like chorus). I realize you can use the 4cm with the G system, but it was my understanding that this was how you could plug in your own dirt boxes. I have the Modfactor, and it is a great piece of equipment, but you have to either run it in the loop (chorus sounds great here, phaser with distortion, no) or in front of the amp (phaser yes! chorus, tremelo not so much, etc.).

The modulation effects in the G System come after the loops and preamp insert, so the only option available is to have them after the distortion. However, I run my ModFactor in one of the loops of my G System, which puts them before the preamp. I also control the presets on the ModFactor from the G System via MIDI.