Apologies - Fuse Question

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Dec 1, 2006
Reaction score
Perth, West Australia
Gidday, sorry for asking a fairly trivial question, but I canna find an email address on the Mesa/Boogie web site.

I recently became proud, first-time Mesa owner, of a beautiful 2x12 LSS.

Sadly, it had a dodgy rectifier and blew a fuse after first 15 mins of playing (but boy, it sure sounded great!) - but that's OK, its been fixed now and I pick it up tomorrow.

What I was wondering though, as I'd like to keep some spare fuses on hand, do I go ceramic or glass? - does it matter?

Here in Oz the LSS fuses are a mere 1amp as opposed (I believe) to 2amp in the US. Also, I seem to recall that the Manual says to use slo-blo fuses, but is that the same here (since we use a different amp rating)?

Any advice/help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Glass fuse, with the metal end caps. Slo blow is not a necessity. Just the amp rating needs to be close.

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