Anyone Use Mesa 3/4 1x12 with Mark V for METAL?

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I would say try out the 1x12 3/4 open back first, if you haven't already, and do a side by side comparison to a closed back cab.

When I tested the Mk V in the store, they had it plugged into a Rectifier 2x12 closed back cab. This is a matter of personal taste of course, but I think the closed back sounded a bit better -- it had a certain "chunk" to the notes that the open back does not seem to have (and I realize that I am comparing a 1x12 vs a 2x12).

Don't get me wrong -- I have both a 1x12 and a 2x12 3/4 back now at home, and the Mk V sounds awesome through either, but after hearing the closed back in the store I went so far as to put some leftover Auralex foam on the bottom and sides of the 1x12 and it seemed to tighten it up just a bit.

So I guess that, ideally, I would like to get a 2x12 closed back so that I have the best of both worlds. But check out the forums, there have been several recommendations on cab choices (even non-Mesa ones).

If you get anything, please let us know how it turned out.
You might want to consider the Compact 23" 1X12 closed back ported cabinet. I will put my Mark V Combo on top of it.
hey man ...

I use a Mark V and have 2 1x12 3/4 back cabs ...
my experience is that when I'm playing metal it's better to use 2 and remove the casters (if any)
one on top of the other and I get the low end chug (ala As Blood Runs Black breakdown) that
knocked down a few beers at the bar :lol:

Using only one for recording is more than fine ...
but for live or band practice I woud recommend using 2 cabs or a 2x12 closed back or 4X12 Road King
those have been my clear cut winners ... Mesa amps with Mesa cabs just sound better ...

Tried using it with a Marshall 1960a cab with the famous V.30 & G12T75 X pattern and I sold the cab the next day.
Got another brand spanking new 1x12 and stacked on top of the other and haven't looked back ...
Mesa 2X12 are nice but they lack meat to me ... the 2 1x12 has that extra wood and balls I look for ..
Your back will thank you also since those oversized mesa 4X12's kill your back .. and having 2 1x12's is easier to transport.

hope this helps
I use 2 3/4 back 1x12s loaded with EV12Ls and 2 closed back Thieles also with EVs and the sound and spread is awesome in 'virtual 4x12' mode. This kind of flexibility is a godsend to the ageing back and also gives you the option to go 'virtual 2x12' with a 3/4 back piggybacked atop a Thiele (once you have the impedence issues sorted). Three quarter backs seem to exude zingy highs from the Mark v head across the three channels, wind it up full chat and use the volume controls on the guitar.