The thing about the amp is I love the sound when it’s up past acceptable club volume. When I had a Power Brake it was actually recommended by the guys at the Mesa store. As in, if you are going to use one use a power brake. At the time in the early 90s I was very new to the getting tone from an amp approach, having just come from the “Dark Side” (all digital rack effects, guitar synth and solid state). So I am thinking about the attenuator again but I don’t want to screw up my amp. I have heard bad things can happen if it’s not a quality piece. I would be very sad if I had to replace my Mark V cause I smoked it. I get emotionally attached to amps and guitars. It looks like they don’t make the Hot Plate anymore does the Rock Crusher color the tone or just let the amp breath? I use the effects loop for a chorus and delay. Then up front I use a Cry Baby and a couple of Teles. A 52 reissue that’s been hot rodded and a three puckup that has an awesome bell tone when running clean. I feel I need to open up the amp more to get my sound more consistent. Use an attenuator to work the volume level. Does that sound correct?