Anyone Have Chassis Pics Of The Studio Pre?

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2005
Reaction score
I just got a replacement reverb tank from Mesa for my Studio Pre since it was missing when I got it. Anyway, Mesa sent a full tank. I believe the Studio doesn't use the external tank and that I'd have to take the spring/plate assembly out of the tank and attach it to the Studio chassis via springs.

I'd love a picture of a stock Studio chassis to see where it's attached, how it's wired/soldered, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a ton! As I said, Mesa sent me the entire enclosure. So it looks like I have to take the spring/plate assembly out and mount it to the chassis with the springs that are currently holding in the enclosure.

Those pics show me that the input and output leads are oriented towards the back panel of the Studio and not the bottom of the chassis like I thought. I would have had it backwards.

