Anyone else got a boost in front of their mark IV?

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Apr 13, 2008
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I'm planning to put a clean boost in front of my amp so I can use R2 as my rhythm channel! I play some heavy metal riffs in my band. Anyone else do this or have tried it and sounds horrible? I'm planning to put a BBE Boosta Grande in front of the amp. Hopefully it will sound better than before... :D
The KLON Centaur is the best sounding overdrive made to my ears. I have it in front of my Mark IV all the time.
My Scott's Cripsy Cream Treblebooster. I love that thing! Had to get one after hearing Danyeo's MKIII clip with one.
To pull a bit of the extreme highs for leads on my MkIIIs I tried a couple different ODs in front but found a 10-band EQ in the loop worked better (I want to save the GEQs for a classic scoop rhythm.)

I do sometimes use an OD into R1 to get a channel that's a bit more crunch and less saturated than R2.
CoG said:
To pull a bit of the extreme highs for leads on my MkIIIs I tried a couple different ODs in front but found a 10-band EQ in the loop worked better (I want to save the GEQs for a classic scoop rhythm.)

I do sometimes use an OD into R1 to get a channel that's a bit more crunch and less saturated than R2.
I have a 31 band EQ in my definitely helps smooth out some tones, but I never use it and havent messed with it in a while. I should.....
I use a Maxon OD-9. I like it! I use it for lead boost and that's about it.
I use a TS808 in front of my Mark III all the time as well. Helps tighten up the low B of my 7 strings and gives it a bit more of a modern sounding rhythm with the extra bit of gain saturation and compression, which also sounds awesome for leads, so it's on all the time except for when I switch to clean.
I run the TS like this
Drive: 9 o'clock
Tone: 9 o'clock
Level: 2 o'clock
The MkIV doesn't really need any boost but I have used a clean boost with R2. I'll set it for a angus type crunch and hit it with a booster just for some different textures.

scottywompas said:
The MkIV doesn't really need any boost but I have used a clean boost with R2. I'll set it for a angus type crunch and hit it with a booster just for some different textures.


What are your settings for the AC/DC crunch?
i want to try an OD in front of my mark4 too...what do you think about electro Harmonics nano LPB-1 clean boost? or is it better an OCD? i want only add a bit of drive in R2..i think r2 is amazing for medium gain leads(i love to play Satriani's Always with me always with you)and i wonder how it will sound with a little extra gain and sustain.
i think that the secret for R2 is too keep treble and presence almost at full.
here's my settings for R2:
gain 10 pulled treble 10 mids 4 bass 3 presence 8 pushed. i like it more with amp at full power simulclass and pentode..
The LPB-1 is very bassy. It sounds killer in front of a JCM800, not very good in front of my MkIIIs, crap in front of a Roadster.
zqcebtmu said:
I'm planning to put a clean boost in front of my amp so I can use R2 as my rhythm channel! I play some heavy metal riffs in my band. Anyone else do this or have tried it and sounds horrible? I'm planning to put a BBE Boosta Grande in front of the amp. Hopefully it will sound better than before... :D

I' also considering the Boosta Grande for the same thing. I want to be able to get that smooth saturated sound without mudding out. It seems when I go full tilt on the drive and gain in the lead channel, I lose definition.

I don't want to change my tone at all though, so I'm looking for something transparent, or at least and OD that can do double duty as an OD/Clean Boost.
Wow lots of interesting thoughts on the OD/boost!! Anyone have some sound demos? I'm really interested in hearing a metal clip with R2. That's what i'm aiming for :twisted:
I do not have a mark IV but I do use a mark III. I use an xotic rc booster for a variety of things and love it.
fyi, i tried a SD Pickup Booster in front of my Mesa, but my MK IV didn't like it much, it really didn't do too much for me inline as a "boost".

However, using a Boss EQ in the loop is a great volume booster, and you can of course set the EQ however you like for your tone. I only use it when playing live and I find a need to bump in volume for leads to cut through when the band gets louder. So in essence, it is my "solo" switch.

works for me.

As far a R2 tones, i found the gain on R2 is hellacious (and heavy if dimed) IF, and only if the Mk IV's Master Volume is above 4(or more). Now granted, that is loud, and you may not be able to do that all the time, but man if you can, LOOKOUT!!

I used to play mine fairly quiet,(and still do at home, etc) (master vol. on abt. 1.5-2), but hell the amp hasn't even begun to do what it is made to do at that level.

Just try it louder and see what happens to R2, not only that, but the Clean channel also goes into overdrive.

good luck!

all the best,
Kurt (aka Force)

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