Anyone can share Enter Sandman patches for TriaXis ?

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Active member
Apr 12, 2008
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Hi everybody.
I eventually got a nice TA, its only couple of years old so it’s the latest version (V2 Mark PCB no Recto / PHAT).
Anyway, I play a cover band and now the guys want to play Metallica's Enter Sandman.
I'm not a tone dialing expert with the TA as it's my first one and just received it.
I run it through a 2010 2:90 and 2 mesa Thiele cabs loaded with 1x12 EVM12L each.
I would much appreciate if someone can share the intro clean sound patch as well as the rhythm and solo patch for the TA.
Thanks in advance.

P.S: is there a good editing software for the TA ?
My e-mail is: [email protected]

You need a chorus to really nail that clean. Just dial in a shimmery clean tone with less gain and more treble and add a subtle chorus in the FX loop and there you go. Neck pickup.

Drive I found this on the net and it's pretty good (using a Marshall cab with V30s, EMGs are almost a must)
Gain 8
Treble 7
Mid 5
Bass 3
Lead 1 N/A
Lead 2 8
Master 5
Presence 7
DV 8

You have to understand that his studio tone was achieved with a Mark IIC+, Mark IV, some still slaved into Marshalls, they used two cabs each for one tone, then there's the micing, the EQ, the mix, the master. So I wouldn't eff around too much with nailing it perfectly. Tweak something that sounds like Enter Sandman to you.

To learn how to tweak, read the manual and just tweak and tweak. I was always like "yeah right" when I heard all the "read the manual" advice regarding Mesas and if you ask me there is a lot of marketing crap in manuals BUT there is also a lot of useful info to be found. Really do read the manual to understand how the controls react. :)
Oops. Lead 2 Green, the MKIV mode. Forgot about that :oops:
Got only one advice qith the TA.
Dial, dial, dial, save, dial, hear, dial, dial, save, hear, delete, dial, save, sleep, dial,....
The TA is so reactive, that any preset read on the net is only a "way". The sound depends a lot of your guitar, cab, amp, ... To my ears a 0.5 difference in the mids changes the way I could hear my guitar side to the keyboard.
Keep dialing !
Got only one advice qith the TA.
Dial, dial, dial, save, dial, hear, dial, dial, save, hear, delete, dial, save, sleep, dial,....
The TA is so reactive, that any preset read on the net is only a "way". The sound depends a lot of your guitar, cab, amp, .. and band mates !
To my ears a 0.5 difference in the mids changes the way I could hear my guitar side to the keyboard.
Keep dialing !
Thanks guys.
I'm gone give it a try and see what comes out.
I guess I have a good starting point, the TA and a Jackson Dinky loaded with EMG-KH20
trippy said:
Hi everybody.
I eventually got a nice TA, its only couple of years old so it’s the latest version (V2 Mark PCB no Recto / PHAT).
Anyway, I play a cover band and now the guys want to play Metallica's Enter Sandman.
I'm not a tone dialing expert with the TA as it's my first one and just received it.
I run it through a 2010 2:90 and 2 mesa Thiele cabs loaded with 1x12 EVM12L each.
I would much appreciate if someone can share the intro clean sound patch as well as the rhythm and solo patch for the TA.
Thanks in advance.

P.S: is there a good editing software for the TA ?
My e-mail is: [email protected]


Good move - the Triaxis can definitely get the Metallica sound and into a 2:90 there is no question - even more since you have EMG's - you are in Tallica tone heaven my friend.

The other guys have already given you the settings, Jackie suggested LD2 green which will probably work better for you since you have two 1x12 EVML's - otherwise if you had a Recto Quad Cab with Vintage 30's (more like Metallica's cabs) I'd suggest you also try LD2 yellow.

But don't sweat it, 99.999% of the audience out there will never pick the difference, pretty well any high gain Boogie amp will do the job. I'm not a Metallica guru, I only know a few songs and leads but I have a Mark IIC+ (1x12 EVMLs), a Triaxis->2:90->Recto 4x12 (with v30s), Quad PreAmp and also a Subway Rocket. If I know the tune well enough then any of those rigs will work - even the Subway! Chops/practice > gear!

I'd also suggest you go dry or as dry as possible! Except for wah in the solos of course :)


Mr A Ryder.

Triaxis -> 2:90 -> Quad Vintage 30s
Dual Recto 2 ch -> Quad Vintage 30s
Mark IIC+ 1x12 EVM12L
Quad Preamp
Subway Rocket Reverb
Nanoverb (simple=better).
Here´s a short rig rundown of JH´s rig as of 2008, lets you clearly see his Triaxis settings.
Allthough he blends the TA/2:90 with a JC120 (cleans) and Diezel VH4 (dist), these settings (Rhy Green for the cleans, LD2 Yellow for the dist) should get you in the ballpark......
But don't sweat it, 99.999% of the audience out there will never pick the difference,

Yea I know, that’s so true, but its more for me rather than for the audience, it help me nail better all the small nuances when I'm "there" with the sound as well.

I'd also suggest you go dry or as dry as possible! Except for wah in the solos of course

Yap, dry it is!

Triaxstasy said:
Here´s a short rig rundown of JH´s rig as of 2008, lets you clearly see his Triaxis settings. /.../ LD2 Yellow for the dist) should get you in the ballpark.

I'm going to have to disagree here. As the tech quickly adds - he has a heavily customized TriAxis with a Mesa custom 5 band EQ so I think these settings are way on the edge of the ballpark :mrgreen: .
They are a bit funky once you look at them. Bass on 7 (flub much?), Presence on 10, Lead Drive on 4.5 (I don't know about you but that's not a lot of gain).

I agree with what A_Ryder said about chops/practice>gear. I remember reading an interview where James answered a question with "Downpicking's the key. The key! It sounds so much chunkier." :)
Just play around with Rhy Y with a light chorus for the clean part (neck pick-up) and LD2 G or Y for the rithm/solo and you're "there". As others said and will say you'll never nail the studio tone with a live-kind-of gear, even Metallica's live tone in the Black Album era was very different than the studio tone. About looking at James's settings you can see on internet remember he uses 2 Triaxis a time, one's modded on the LD2 Y mode (with a custom EQ in the loop) and the other one plays the LD1 R (so you've 2 different preamps blended into eachother) and this second one also plays the clean along with a Roland Jc-120. They also use v30's cabs (and between the cabs and your hears there's a lot, lot, lot of stuff going on). As Triaxis owner the only real rule I can say you is: tweak it 'till you can feel your fingertips no more, than take a rest and then start to tweak it again, as Mesa itself says that's the "encyclopedia of tone", you've just to find the right page that fits your needs.

A_Ryder said:
If I know the tune well enough then any of those rigs will work - even the Subway! Chops/practice > gear!

It's right, even if the Mark series sound very different than the Recto series or the Stiletto if you teak it the right way you'll be albe to find a suitable tone, it's the basic Msa tone with a different spice for each amp.