Anybody with a Mesa Quad + MIDI Mod?

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2006
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I bought a Mesa Quad with a nonfunctional MIDI mod, knowing this full well. Great preamp by the way. It does have the midi jacks on the back and a switch to switch between the normal switching system and MIDI.

I opened it up to see if there was anything obvious causing the MIDI functionality to not work, and lo and behold an IC chip was missing from the MIDI board. I called Mesa/Boogie and they say that they'd happily tell me what chip it is, except the tech can't find any schematics or old boards left over, so unless I can find somebody else with the MIDI board, I'm out of luck.

I'm hoping that somebody else has one of these, and would be so kind as to open it up and tell me the IC chip I'm missing. I can send a picture of where it is if anybody has one. I'd really appreciate it if on the off chance that somebody does have one of these, you could help me out. Thanks a lot!
There is one of these being auctioned on ebay. You might try contacting the seller. Given your situation and if I were selling the quad I would pop it open to get you a part number. Worth a shot. The link is

Good luck.