Any way to brighten R2 on a MKIII Purple Stripe?

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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2013
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I'm struggling to read the schematics I can find online for my mk3. My original looks like a blurry photocopy.

The R1 and Lead channels are superb but unless I max out my input, the R2 is quite dark and wooly. I can boost it with my MXR microamp and it sound great. It's not ideal though.

Is there a way to either 1) change the brightness of R2 or 2) increase the gain of R2 relative to the input/R1 quite a bit?

I've built a couple of amps (turrets not pcb) and already done the R2 level and Reverb mods to my MK3 so happy to swap resistors or caps.
It looks I have sorted this myself.

I had originally used a dual coaxial pot to keep control of the R2 and DI levels.

I stripped the DI out control completely (I never use is) and dropped in a new CTS 250k audio taper pot and resoldered some connections from that to the PCB that were a little less that satisfactory. It's like a fire breathing dragon on R2 now and I've got good balance/volume control.