Amps. Tone

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Dec 24, 2013
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I've had a Mark V head for about 3 years, it seems every time I get a good tone, the next time I use it it sounds different to my ears. I have another Mesa, (rack system) that has always been set and forget. anyone else experience this with the V?
i had to log in....i been running a triaxis,2:90 and 4x12 rectocab for 12+years with zero tone issues always sounds killer..
however ive had my mkV combo(that goes through a 2x12 horizontal rectocab) and it definately some days sounds different from the previous day of day i will love it and the next im tweaking something!!i will say i do love the mark5 i have a deadly killer tone...i recently put all nos tubes in it except the power tubes and it has never sounded better.....i have a 2009 combo that i bought 1 and a half years ago....would'nt trade it for anything :)
I have never played another amp that is more finnicky! But I find great tones every single time I plug in...Love it!

My 2-channel Triple was always set it and forget it. The vintage and boutique stuff I play is more predictable re: tone but also more one dimensional. I can make my V sound like 3 or 5 awesome amps in ANY room.

HARD TO BEAT . :mrgreen:
I put an old Ibanez EQ pedal through the input and it sounded great,I was surprised.
Ricky said:
I've had a Mark V head for about 3 years, it seems every time I get a good tone, the next time I use it it sounds different to my ears. I have another Mesa, (rack system) that has always been set and forget. anyone else experience this with the V?

Yup - can't explain it, other than to repeat that is is the most sensitive amp I know. It's tone can "change" at the same settings, but a minute adjustment of a single EQ factor gets it back to where I want it to be

It's always awesome, but often frustrating at the same time
Well…. I thought it was just me. I thought I must have changed something but didn’t remember doing anything. I use Teles and the tone changes with just a little turn of the volume so I’ll get very different sounds on the same channel with just the volume on the guitar. I don’t play at real high volume levels but I did notice as everything warms up everything gets smoother, the tone seems to get warmer. I was beginning to think I was getting volume level “Punch Drunk”. I would walk out of my music room feeling very good about how things were sounding. Then the next day what I remember wasn't there. I would tweak things a little and work a little and it would be back to sounding very good. I wonder if its a warm up thing?