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AMPs for sale!

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
Maui Wowee!
I am selling my Rectoverb II Combo:
$750 + shipping.
It is in really great shape, with a few small blemishes.
Comes with footswitch & heavy duty dust cover.
New power tubes, your choice of JJ 6L6 or EL-34 or Mesa STR 440's.
Smells like smoke unfortunately.

I'm also selling a couple of amps for a friend:

'65 ( I think ) Fender Vibrolux Reverb amp.
$2,400 shipped & paypalled.
2 Kendrick 10" Black Frame Speakers.
Great condition, newish tubes (around 20 hours or so on them).

VVT Lindy Fralin 1x15 combo amp.
$1,200 shipped & paypalled.
Blonde tolex, mint condition, except for 1 dent in the wood that goes through the tolex.
Looks just like this: http://www.samash.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_Lindy%20Fralin%201x15%20Guitar%20Combo%20Amp_-1_10052_10002_-49985398

I'll get some pics up as soon as I can. Feel free to email me with any questions you have.

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