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Jul 3, 2006
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Since there are so many threads dealing with the new Roadster and the Road King Series II... there should be a thread dedicated to the main distinguishing feature, Progressive Linkage.

I've been reading posts for a few hours and I still haven't found a thread that deals with the pros and cons of the system. Mesa just hypes the infinite possibilities, but not how exactly useful they are.

So I am asking the following...

1) The difference between the Road King and Roadster is that the Road King has the option of switching between 6L6, EL-34, and 5U4 tubes... whereas the Roadster only has 5U4 tubes. Correct?

2) What types of music are the 6L6, EL-34 and 5U4 tubes specifically geared for? Basically, how do they sound clean and with distortion? Can you REALLY hear $700+ the difference???

3) Is Progressive Linkage worth the extra $$$???

I play an array of styles, and need a good jazz tone as well as a bone-crunching metal lead tone. I just really need to decide if I should sell the farm to upgrade to the Road King II but at the same time don't want to pay for something I will never truly utilize.

Thanks guys.
The_maestro said:
Since there are so many threads dealing with the new Roadster and the Road King Series II... there should be a thread dedicated to the main distinguishing feature, Progressive Linkage.

I've been reading posts for a few hours and I still haven't found a thread that deals with the pros and cons of the system. Mesa just hypes the infinite possibilities, but not how exactly useful they are.

So I am asking the following...

1) The difference between the Road King and Roadster is that the Road King has the option of switching between 6L6, EL-34, and 5U4 tubes... whereas the Roadster only has 5U4 tubes. Correct?

2) What types of music are the 6L6, EL-34 and 5U4 tubes specifically geared for? Basically, how do they sound clean and with distortion? Can you REALLY hear $700+ the difference???

3) Is Progressive Linkage worth the extra $$$???

I play an array of styles, and need a good jazz tone as well as a bone-crunching metal lead tone. I just really need to decide if I should sell the farm to upgrade to the Road King II but at the same time don't want to pay for something I will never truly utilize.

Thanks guys.

1. The Roadster can switch between 50 watt, 100 and Diode or Tube rectifiers.

2. Yes, you can hear the difference. EL-34's dont have and upper mid sizzle and have a different range of treble than 6L6's. When combined you get EL-34 cut and the bottom end of a 6L6. Your question about what types of music are 6L6, EL34 and 5U4's good for seems like a tube newbie one. 6L6's are good for thr Recto Disortion, great cleans ( 50 and 100 watt( and EL34's are good for AC/DC like crunch. When combined with 4 6L6's and 2 EL34's it is massive, or 2 6L6's and 2 EL34's is is close to the old Mesa Simull Class tone. Sweet and singing with bite and bottom end. You really have to spend a few days with the RK and determine what settings and cabinets will work for you. (side note: EL34's have never been known for their clean tone).

3. Progressive linkage is worth having all of the different power amps at your service. Four 6L6's can get boring all the time. Mixing between 6L6's and EL-34's is Mesa's current incarnation of Simul-Class operation. The 5U4's run the amp at a lower voltage and tends to give the amp more bounce for cleans and sag for full out overdrive. They are a less effecient way of converting AC voltage to DC voltage. The diodes keep everything tight will full headroom.

The Roadster is basically a 4 channel dual rectifier with limited power amp and rectification options. Mesa explains it as an amp for people who have Road King anxiety.

Having had a dozen Dual Rectifiers and a Road King Series 1, I would say that you should really A/B the RK II and the Roadster. IMO, the RK is a limitless blast of tones. With the range of tones your after, I would think the $ 700 is well worth it. It's not hype. If you dont need 5 different power amps, then the Roadster will do.

I'm currently waiting out my 4th month for my RK series II to be delivered to me from Mesa. If the RK II is an impovement over the RK I, then I am sure I will be extremely pleased with the outcome.
When I was in the market for the Roadster or Road King II, it was the pro-linkage that sold me.

1) Incorrect! The Roadster does have the option of running either 6L6 or EL34 Power Tubes via the Bias Select switch, and it does feature the 50/100 watt Power Assign! Both RK and Roadster amps feature the 5U4 tubes as they're Rectifiers! The difference being, the RK houses both kinds of power tubes (4/6L6 & 2/EL34), so you may switch on the fly (say, ch1 EL34's, while ch2 6L6's)! With the Roadster, you can only operate all channels on either a quad of EL34's or 6L6's!
2) Neither tube type is geared towards a specific music style! It's a personal preference! The $700 dollar difference has nothing to do with tube types, rather, the convenience of having both styles in one amp!
3) Again, personal preference!
I think for jazz and metal you'd be fine with 6L6 tubes, therefore I'd opt for a Roadster! BTW, the Roadster has no less pre-amps than the RK!

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