About tube in my Mark III...

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user 2126

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
I got a pair of EL-34 and 6L6 but what bother me is that it got that STR-440 number for the EL-34 and the 6L6 got STR-420 on it, so I check to see the price of it on Mesa site and what I see is 6L6 STR-440 and EL-34 STR-442 and EL-34 STR-447 I just want to understand why they don't have the same STR number, what kind of tubes you put in your Mark III.
Thanks BoogieBabies for answering, as u can see the mesa world is something brand new to me so I really really appreciate
and as u said ERIN GO BRAUGH yeah.
Boogiebabies said:
No problem. My dad was 100% dark Irish. He looked like Elvis. I ended up getting the recessive blond Irish gene's. My paternal Great Grandmother looked like an American Indian. She was like 80 in the picture sitting next to my maternal Great Grandmother in Wicklow Town.
All of the men in my family were named Edward or Peter for over 80 years. We are a funny breed.
I am only irish descendant from my father side. He (the Morgan) came with is family from Dublin to here (Montreal) as far as i know. But I can't denied that that boilling irish blood run through my vein believe me ;)
Boogiebabies said:
My Father, Morgan and Grandfather Morgan came from Dublin to NYC in the late 20's. Were probably related.
Oh my god are u serious what a coincidence, incredible :shock:
My name is Marco Morgan.
Lats name is Mill, but most of my family is from Ireland, family name, Wallace....
Somehow I can't get past the fact that the Irish in my family all seem to lose their marbles at 45 years old, and die by 55....Is there such a thing as an old Irish person?!?
The rest of my family are decended from the scandinavian countries..
So, we drink AND pillage until we lose our minds and die.....
ax. 8)
Boogiebabies said:
Edward Patrick the Third. My cousin is named Edward Patrick as well.

My Dad died young but 6 of his 7 sisters and brother are still kicking into their 60's and 70's. We still have familiy in Wicklow and Dublin.

I'm going to head over next year and see my grandparents birth logs and visit the clan.
Going to Ireland, U are such a lucky guy, I would like to but I am too busy here with my 18 months old daughter, my new Mark III and everything going on.
Boogiebabies said:
I have two kids. 5 and 3 not including two Dachshunds 8 months and three months. It is good to see that us Morgans's are growing in numbers. :D
I just wish that the next one would be a boy to continue with our beautiful family name. :wink:

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