5150 and a Tube screamer?

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Active member
Aug 15, 2007
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Columbus Ohio
Ok heres a question, I just purchased a Block letter 5150. Loaded it with jj's all around. It sounds very dry to me so i was thinking about adding a Tube Screamer or another OD pedal. So to the question....... Do i run the pedal with low gain or the head or both or what? I dont want to lose the tone of my guitar but the sound needs smoothed out abit. Thanks for any help you can give me.
On the OD... Level high, Gain low/off, Tone to taste. I'm not familiar with Peavey, but on my RK I need to turn down the gain some on the amp, when adding a OD so It won't overload the preamp.
Congratulations on the 5150!
Dunno what you mean by 'dry' exactly, but no matter, I think you'll like what a tube screamer does in front of that amp. Of course with so many variables ( guitar, pickups, amp channel, cab/speakers, music style etc...! ) I don't want to sound arbitrary, so I'll pass on my settings and you can tweak to taste...I'm making an assumption that you didn't buy a 5150 to play bluegrass, so here's my metal settings.
settings are clock...red (lead ) channel
pre 11 o'clock (ish...! )
bass 2 o'clock
middle 11-11:30
treble 11
post 9:30-10 o'clock (!)
Res 2 o'clock
Pres 9 o'clock (yup)
TS ( or sd-1, OD808 etc ) Level set for unity ( about noon ), tone 10 o'clock, gain off ( 8 o'clock )
Like so many guys I use the screamer to tighten up the bottom, punch the mids and it seems to act as a low and high pass filter/compressor/good thing. And lets not forget the other channel can sound wicked good too...crunch and bright IN, pre 2 o'clock, bass 1 o'clock, mids 9 o'clock, treble 1 o'clock, post 10 o'clock, Res 2 o'clock, Pres 4-4:30 o'clock, TS level noonish, tone 10-11 o'clock, gain 9 o'clock.
I never turn off my OD...sorry for the long post, hope it works out for you .
Congrats on the new amp!

First things first with a boost, is the right selection. I personally didn't like a stock Tubescreamer infront of the 5150 that much. I experimented with some Maxons though and they sounded great. I would really suggest a Maxon OD808, a Bodenhamer Bloody Murder (Bodenhamer-electronics.com; going to order mine tomorrow), or a Keeley modded Tubescreamer. They get the amp very saturated at low volumes and they are not as hissy/spitty.

The thing with overdrives that I didn't like with the 5150s I had was that the bottom end and sustain really suffered (mainly with my TS-9). The Maxons and Keeleys definitely helped that when I tried them, but they weren't perfect. The Bodenhamer Bloody Murder supposedly tightens the amp, saturates/smooths the tone, and retains the bottom end. I haven't been able to try one in person, but clips I have heard blow me away. The Bodenhamer is a true bypass OD that can act as a clean boost and also get mean which makes for a very versatile pedal.

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