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Nov 7, 2007
Reaction score
Mountains of Oregon
Hey All
A question, I am really unhappy with my amp right now, it might be me but it sounds boxy and I cannot seem to dial it out. Has anyone noticed this or is it operator ignorance. Any suggestions in enhancing the tone on these amps, I am ready to sell it at this point and get a Ceriatone Overtone.
I'm willing to give it another try if anyone knows something I don't.
Hmm... give it a shot with a 212 or a 412 - just a suggestion
I haven't found my 5:50 1 x 12 combo to sound boxy at all.

About 2-3 weeks into ownership I learned a lot about setting the tone controls by plugging in my Les Paul rather than my Tele and trying to get a good clean sound.

I was accustomed to Fender amps and was surprised to learn that you really have to set the controls differently on these amps.

For a clean sound, I like the amp to sound pretty similar to my Vibrolux Reverb. I have the treble set at about 11-11:30, mid at about 9:30, bass about 10:30 and the contour set to about 11 o'clock.
It sounds like my VR with a fat 12" speaker.

I set up my dirty sounds about the same but with less mid and bass and more contour.

I'm still learning about this amp, though.

When I bought the 5:50 I tried a 5:25 1 x 10 combo and found that to sound very boxy.

If tweaking the tone controls doesn't help, I'd try a different speaker and even a bigger cab as diaz suggested.