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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
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Okay... so, how do you decided whether or not to buy a Mark V, or Roadster (I know this topic has been beat to death)
when you've spent the better part of the past year researching and playing both of them and can't decide which you want. Of course the simplest solution would be to buy BOTH! But, financially that is not an option. I've spent the past dozen years playing rhythm guitar (roadster would compliment this) but am focusing more on lead work these days (mark v). I want bitchin' cleans and great blues tones as well as in your face metal tones. WTF do I do? I've wanted a Mark V since I first heard one at Namm when they were first announced. I've wanted a Recto since I first learned about Mesa Boogie in 9th grade ('97). Maybe just see which I can find a better deal on?
i went from roadster to mark V. love the mark V......

i did find that the mark V is better for leads and more versatile...... i couldn't keep both so the mark V worked for me.. :D
id say get one try it in the return period if you have doubts get the other.... id say roadster but thats cause i have one and i Jones for the mkV occasionally myself.
Spewnz said:
id say get one try it in the return period if you have doubts get the other.... id say roadster but that's cause i have one and i Jones for the mkV occasionally myself.

That is exactly what I would do if I were buying new from GC. But, I'll be buying a pre-owned one. I guess if I bought one though I could trade it for the other if I wanted to, assuming I could find someone willing to make that trade. But which do I start with? They're both two of the best amps IMO. Thanks for you feedback BTW.
I don't own a Roadster, but a RK, which from my understanding is fairly similar. I can tell you that the RK can do just about every tone you can imagine, except for brutally focused Mark tone. Which of course you need a Mark for. An vice versa, a Mark can do great chimey cleans, grungey blues, dirty rhythms, high-gain liquid leads, and super tight Metallica-style rhythms. The only thing it can't really do is that super-pissed off "I'm gunna fucking rip your face off and **** down your neck" distortion tone that the recto family is known for.

So I would say decide exactly what you'd like your distortion sound to be like, and go that direction.

Barring that... what's wrong with buying one and then saving up for a few months and getting the other one? I had to save for 8 months to afford my RKII when I first bought it. I walked into the store and plopped down cold hard cash for the head and a matching 4x12. I think the salesman just about **** his pants :lol: I get a feeling not very many people do that.
Ya well, I do plan on buying one and then saving for the other. But it'll be closer to a couple of years than few months before I can get the other. The wife wants a boob job. And I'm okay with that :D I would love to have a RKII though. Too bad I'm not the lucky shmuck who won the mega million jackpot last night (266 million bucks) That's a lotta guitars and amps right there!
I've played them both and owned a Roadster for a while.

I did not like the V at all, but the Roadster is a really great amp.
In the end, I decided to get a few pedals and keep my Heartbreaker. It has everything that I need and nothing that I don't.

If I were to get a new Mesa, it would be a Transatlantic or a Roadster.
dbsens03 said:
I know this topic has been beat to death

Right you are.

YouTube the Wampler Triple Wreck. It gets pretty good reviews on here and in guitar rags. You may consider it on the clean channel of your Mark Series amp for riffing.

I am not one to say one amp is good since I have a few myself, but this is my strategy. Get used for cash where possible and save serious money. I got my Rivera Knucklehead Tre 120W head for $1000. It is literally months old and I saw the reciept to prove it. Somebody somewhere is going to need cash and you can be there to give it to them and get your amp.

If you can't wait, put it on charge and just deal with it. Or.... deny yourself.
Heritage Softail said:
YouTube the Wampler Triple Wreck. It gets pretty good reviews on here and in guitar rags. You may consider it on the clean channel of your Mark Series amp for riffing.

I am not one to say one amp is good since I have a few myself, but this is my strategy. Get used for cash where possible and save serious money. I got my Rivera Knucklehead Tre 120W head for $1000. It is literally months old and I saw the reciept to prove it. Somebody somewhere is going to need cash and you can be there to give it to them and get your amp.

If you can't wait, put it on charge and just deal with it. Or.... deny yourself.

Ya, that's why I love CL. You can find some seriously awesome deals on there. And if you got cash in hand and can make an offer to pick up immediately people will often go for it. I picked up a Taylor 314ce that way. Mint condition. Dude was asking for $1200. I offered $800 and to get it right then. Now I have a sweet acoustic guitar. Hopefully I find a similarly desperate person in 16 days or so.