4 ohm and 8 ohm cabs; Safe mismatch?

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
Ma's acre, Killinois
My buddy had been letting me use his Peavey 4x12, which is a 4 ohm cab.
My question is can I also use my 2x12 cab which is rated at 8 ohms, and what would be the proper way to connect both cabs?

Amp in question is a Series 2 Single Rectifier.

Thanks in advance.
Nope....your amp has a minimum 4 ohm load. With the speaker outputs being in parallel, a 4 and an 8 ohm cab would be close to 2 ohms total load. Would put a bug strain on the power tubes and possibly the output transformer.
aka "triangle splitter," it puts the two speaker cabs in series for a 12 ohm load. Handy to have around when you don't always know what speaker you will have to plug into.
